Sidewalk chalk

Another day when we were moaning about the coolness of incipient autumnal weather… the kids headed off in shorts but with emergency sweaters which were useful this afternoon.  I had a very restful day, which I desperately needed, as I’m still recuperating.  My boys were fine when I called this morning, and when we spoke again an hour later.  I got a call from Don, but it apparently was an accidental redial by Jerry, who was pawing at the screen!  I laughed that he wanted to talk to me although when I was on the phone he tried pushing the phone away!  Today his little tail was wagging excitedly while I talked to him and he seemed to be looking for me everywhere.  I’m a little concerned that he’s probably not eating as well as he should (not Jerry, whose food is carefully monitored by Don) but I’m limited in my ability to do anything from several hundred kilometres away!

My sleep was a little better last night, which is good.  I’m still waking up frequently, but I’m not lying awake for long periods.  I’ve also been eating more regularly — probably because the kids have regular mealtimes and we all eat together.  Yes, it definitely helps having food that’s easily available, although as I’ve noted, the kids can each out-eat me, even the one with celiac disease!  This afternoon my tummy was “boiling” — making some bubbly noises — but nothing else.  Slightly embarrassing if I’d been in a crowd, is all I can say!

I learned this morning that “have a nice day,” hugs must be given at the door just as they’re leaving for school.  Hugs given in the next room don’t count!  They wouldn’t move because they hadn’t given me my hug this morning, so out I came to give cuddles.  I just need to note that “hug” is “lean briefly against Auntie” and a possible pat on whatever part of me they can reach, as opposed to a full squeeze! 😁  Yesterday we were out on the driveway for a while when they came home, and they were drawing with chalk.  After a few minutes we had a rainbow, grass in every colour of the rainbow, and a number of “sharks” (which is what my nephew is drawing) who just waited to eat unsuspecting passersby!  The only ways to escape the sharks were either to get lifted out of its mouth, or to ride over them with the bike / tractor / scooter.  I’m endlessly amused by the conversations that we have; very Sesame Street as there’s quite a bit of identifying colours, letters, shapes and people in photos.  My nephew gets so excited when he sees me, pointing and saying, “that’s YOU Auntie Sonja!”  I think that these moments are a lot of fun, and I’m happy to experience them and share time with them.  (They just came to see what I’m doing, and he said, “That’s ME!” In the picture.)  I’m not sure how to explain the concept of journaling yet, but we’ll figure out something.

I was happy to hear that a friend of ours, who lives in the next building, is back home after being in hospital for most of the summer.  She fell and fractured her hip in her home, and had to be rushed off for surgery and then rehabilitated.  She’s glad to be home, and I’m pleased for her.  I also got some less-than-great news today from other friends, and I wish that I could do something to help them.  Part of me would like to be more active and involved in doing things, while I also find that I run out of energy and end up with back spasms and pain.  Finding that balance point is a challenge.  

OK, I’m needed for an urgent game of CandyLand which is the current craze, and they need a third so I’m it.  Please excuse me while I get onto Auntie duties!  Good night.


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