Wet weekend

It’s been a rainy Saturday, but comfortable weather.  I briefly needed a throw this afternoon, as it felt a bit chilly, but nothing major… I like these cooler summer days, as I can enjoy a bit of time on the balcony, just relaxing.  I have to confess that I spent most of today lost in a book — one that I’m rereading, while I ignore the carefully balanced stack of new books on my end table — so I wasn’t as useful as I could have been.  Jerry was, as you can see, carefully guarding me to ensure that I couldn’t go off and leave him.  That’s his little, “Hey!  You!  This tummy won’t pet itself you know,” signal… If I take too long, it will begin scratching my face, his head comes up and I get a death glare, and he will then sit up and poke me.  I’m very well trained in tummy rubs now 😆 Don was down doing some stuff in the garage, so you know that he’s got some extra energy, which is something I always enjoy.  I was left to look after the tiny dictator while he was downstairs, and I was given to understand in no uncertain terms that it was unacceptable to not have us both within sight.  He’s now on Don’s lap, paw on his chest, getting snuggled.

I cooked some quick fried rice today for lunch; I had some leftover shrimp and pulled out some frozen veggies and tossed everything in the pot.  Tasted pretty good, so it’s nice to know that my tastebuds are returning.  It’s still sad that I can’t stand the smell of curry; it’s really tragic, as that’s one of my favourites but even when frozen my stomach heaves at the scent.  That had better clear up soon!

It’s my nephew’s birthday tomorrow; he’ll be 3, and they’re having a party for him.  I’ve sent his present, which is scheduled to be delivered during the day (probably while he’s partying) and I’ll be able to video call for the cake ceremony and later for presents opening.  I’m now onto the first challenging part of my niece’s dress — the setting and sizing of the sleeves — and I should have that reasonably in hand later tonight or early in the morning.  Because of my fascination with reliving the adventures of my book, I didn’t do as much on the dress as I should have done.  Once those are in place (and I really hope I’ve got the sizing right!!) the pattern seems easy until we set the skirt — ladies, do you remember circle skirts?  Or 6-gore skirts?  You know the ones with a beautiful flare that drape elegantly along your lower half?  Well, this dress has a handkerchief hem with up to 10 points, so it’s effectively a 10-gore skirt, and I’ll need to mark the spots for the hem’s “v-shape.”  Again, the pattern seems fairly straightforward once I can set those markers.  I’ll probably be calling my seamstress cousin to wail about the challenge of getting the gores marked properly!  The way the pattern reads is that the more points you have, the wider the skirt and the bigger the flare.  Some of the smaller sizes  seem to start the skirt immediately below the armholes, leading to a very wide skirt, while others have a more fitted bodice before starting the flare.  I’m thinking of giving her a more defined bodice but I’m guessing at the measurements.  Sorry to bore you with these details, and I won’t overshare much more, I promise.

Don’s apparently ordered dinner while I thought he was on his phone; he just told me that it should arrive in a few minutes.  That’s great, because I was starting to feel hungry and I was wondering what I could have.  I’ll see what we’re having; last week it was Swiss Chalet so it won’t be that!  That’s all for today, my dears.  Good night!


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