Warmer days
It’s a warmer day today, with somewhat increased humidity making me pant instead of breathe comfortably. Annoying, really. Jerry last night managed to curl himself against my back so I couldn’t move without risking crushing him — which I would never want to do!! — and then he rearranged himself to cuddle and scratch me (his nails will need trimming soon!) so I couldn’t relax or sleep properly. Then this morning, when I was finally able to stretch out and get some sleep, he wanted to play. He wasn’t my favourite puppy for about an hour or so LOL I managed a short nap, which was interrupted by several phone calls, and now I think reasonably early bedtime is called for! Don is in good, perky shape today, and has been on his computer wearing headphones for a while. I don’t know, and won’t ask!! There are many, many times when ignorance is bliss 😁
My tummy is a little off today; not entirely sure why. I’m not nauseous nor do I have “gastric upset” just a slightly queasy feeling and a tiny bit of wooziness with a serving of the shakes. I checked my blood sugar and it’s showing a perfect reading, although I’ve got all the other signs of a low sugar reading… that’s happened a couple of times before, and when my endocrinologist calls back, we’ll discuss that.
The wool arrived, as I mentioned, last night and it’s a lovely variegated pink, ranging from a very pale pastel (almost white) to a deep plum shade. It will work itself into stripes, getting paler as I get through the colouring. I’ve begun working on it, and it’s a gorgeous lightweight yarn that’s a delight to use. I prefer working with either 100% cotton, or a blend of not less than 60% natural fibres. Artificial fibres, to me, feel somewhat scratchy and don’t drape smoothly, while natural ones do. Oddly enough, most natural fibres are easier to care for (laundry) in general, as many of the artificial ones require dry cleaning or only spot cleaning, and your girl does not own an iron (cue gasps of horror from traditionalists) nor does she particularly like spot cleaning!! I’m a big fan of “toss it in the machine and then tumble dry it” with the occasional “lie flat to shape” piece! That’s partly due to not having lots of laundry space in the condo, and partly efficiency (my mother called it “laziness”; we always disagreed on that!) For my larger pieces, like tablecloths, I’ll take them to the cleaners to be professionally cleaned and steam pressed when complete, and then wash them in the machine as needed, with a professional cleaning every so often. For items for kids, I’m not about to add to the workload by getting them dry clean only items!! I think my sister would have me drawn and quartered if I did! (And she’d be right, too!) Anyway, as I started this ramble, this yarn is a 60% cotton, 40% acrylic which helps with the strength and smooth drape, while still allowing wash-and-wear capabilities. Plus it’s so wonderfully soft that I think I might buy more to make things for myself from it! Gotta love soft clothes!
I’m proud and excited to announce that my dear cousin’s book Image from the inside… out has made the Amazon best sellers list! It’s such a handy reference with some inspiring quotes, so it’s great. She’s been doing several interviews on the book, talking about her 25 years’ experience as an image consultant and coach, and I’m really enjoying listening to those as well, even though I know her (she’s a close cousin, after all!) and I’ve been exposed to some of her work. I’m so proud of her accomplishments and am basking in the reflected glory of her success. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, please do!
Jerry is curled up on the couch now, feeling very proud of himself. My support worker was here, and he got lots and lots of hugs and cuddles and petting so he’s been indulged and didn’t want me to hold him after she left… he went and sat behind the door looking abandoned until he heard her get on the elevator, and came back to get more cuddles from me 😆 I’m going to get my supper now, and then pace agitatedly until my prescription gets delivered (it’s late. I’m freaking out, and I’ll update you tomorrow after it gets here and I calm down!) Good night!
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