
It’s Thursday, so of course, it’s pouring rain!  That is definitely the trend this summer.  It was overcast when I woke up this morning, but it cleared up during the day, and for a while I thought we’d buck the trend, but no.  It began around 3:30 this afternoon, as I was nodding off while trying to crochet, unsuccessfully, I might add!  Here is the position that I held for most of the day… Jerry is extra snuggly for who knows what reason, and as soon as I sit down, he’s on my lap and refuses to move.  I try to throw him off, he just wriggles around and shifts his weight and stays where he is.  He’s now lying on Don’s legs and watching me with what seems like disappointment, while I ignore him.  After a couple of days running errands, it’s no surprise that Don was wiped out last night and a little slow this morning.  He’s fine, though, and has managed to catch up on what feels like a dozen sports — they all blend together for me, so I have no idea who was playing what or where or anything like that.  I don’t think that I will ever be a sports watching type, although I can fake my way through conversations on most types, except basketball and rugby.  I have no idea at all of those games, sorry, not sorry.

I’m really tired today, and have been struggling to stay awake most of the day.  I should probably have just gone to bed, but I was trying to finish my nephew’s item (not done) and doing a couple of other things (also not done) so I’d probably have gained by taking a nap this afternoon.  I’ll give up after I’ve had supper, and head in before 9 tonight.  Hopefully that will let me get enough rest and I won’t be waking up every hour!

I’m indulging myself in my cozy mysteries again, and I’m wondering how many people in those tiny villages are left after the amateur sleuths have caught the murderers and the many many deaths that occur weekly.  The older ones, which I find more alluring because they rely so heavily on interpersonal relationships and face to face conversations, in particular… I mean, Jessica Fletcher lives in a town that’s small enough that everyone knows everyone and anyone not born there is an outsider, but she managed to find — and solve — several dozen murders.  That must have emptied out three quarters of Cabot Cove, and it certainly explains why she started spending so much time in New York and travelling around the country!  The Hallmark ones — which are as mindless as their Christmas movies — are similar.  I do wonder how many people really confess their thoughts to the random assistant librarian who pops up with some very intrusive questions.  I also wonder about how many “close friends” the restaurant owner has lost to murder, and why the police haven’t questioned her link to them.  They’re simple fun and it’s not difficult to identify the killer early in the show, and when I’m unable to keep my eyes open, like today, I don’t really miss anything, even if I wake up in the inevitable “dangerous” moment at the end when everything is exposed, I just blink a few times, confirm my suspicions and doze back off.  

I’ve just rewritten the same line 5 times, so I think that I’ll go find something to eat, and then head into sleep.  Fingers crossed that I get a solid sleep tonight and am not used as a bouncy castle by a small dog in the middle of the night!  Good night.


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