
We were all complaining that it was chilly today… pathetic creatures, aren’t we?  The house is set at 23C, so that’s not cold, outside made it grudgingly up to 23 by 4pm, so while it was cool it certainly wasn’t chilly… but we almost broke out the sweaters.  The small people headed off to daycare in shorts and short-sleeved jerseys, and aren’t complaining, but the adults were.  The boys are fine; Don laughed and said that Jerry had given him some space and didn’t occupy his lap all day so he was able to have a nap; or at least he was going to try for one.  I’m not sure how successful he was, but there was a longish period of quiet, so maybe.  Jerry continues to ignore me when I’m on the phone, but he does try to knock the phone out of Don’s hand while we’re talking 😆 He does the same with me, it seems that when we’re not devoting full attention to him he doesn’t approve and wants to remind us of who’s the most important… no further comment 😝

The adrenaline rush of getting here and being with my sister and the small people is fading.  I woke up this morning feeling like I’d been hit by a large truck, dragged a few dozen kilometres and then run over again… I almost thought of staying in bed but then I’d have small, disappointed people who would object to the lack of their “good morning” hugs and “have a good day” kisses.  I did eat — thanks a few thousand times to L for dropping off that awesome bake and buljohl, which was last night’s dinner and this morning’s breakfast.  I’m being disgracefully selfish and not wanting to share with anyone!  But it’s so good (and I have an idea for “boosting” my bread recipes because of him) and it doesn’t annoy my tummy, so that’s just perfection.

I spent the time that I was alert today updating my family recipe book.  I’ve been writing in it sporadically for the past few years, since I first received it as a gift from my cousins.  So far I’ve written out 26 of our favourites and I’ve got lots more to do.  I initially intended grouping them by origin — so all my grandmother’s recipes together, then my aunts and so on; I thought of arranging by course, but then getting the contributions from the rest of my family came in erratic order, so it’s more organic (in the sense that I prefer) Before I’m asked, “why are you doing that when (a) recipes are available on the internet; (b) you have so many cookbooks and (c) who will even read it?” I’ll just say that these are my family’s particular recipes of foods that we’ve traditionally done.  My elder niece had asked for the recipes as she’s starting to learn to cook, and I’ve shared some ideas with her that have become increasingly complex — beginning with things like spaghetti or scrambled eggs and working up to things like sweet and sour pork or chicken cutlets (these were a favourite of hers, and I showed her how easy they are to make, saving lots of money and always getting a flavour she enjoys) so it was originally for her.  Now I’m doing it just to preserve family memories and give me something to do.  My biggest challenge once I’m done with this is getting copies to the people who claim that they want them… this is an analogue-only project, and isn’t intended to be digitally shared.  I may have to change my mind in time…

The small people got home from daycare and came stampeding in for their hugs this afternoon.  They were later home than usual as my sister took them grocery shopping after they were collected, and I could hear, “Where’s Auntie Sonja?” When they entered the house.  We spent a little over an hour playing in the garden as it’s a beautiful evening and the little ones were on their bikes riding in rings.  I am amused that my little niece is copying me in almost everything.  She pats my hair, commenting that it’s short; likes playing with the patterns on my dress and when I started telling her a nonsense poem, she ran around chanting it until it was word perfect (Twinkle twinkle little bat from Alice in Wonderland)  I have to think of a new one soon… 

OK, it’s dinner time, so I’m being summoned to the table, where I’m usually directed where I’m allowed to sit 😂  It’s fun being with them, but also tiring.  I’m off then; Good night!


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