
Another lovely, moderate day today.  I’m not complaining in the least; the cooler temperatures are very welcome especially after the stifling heat earlier this summer.  I almost feel guilty when I see the stories about the horrific fires in the Territories and British Columbia, where so many thousands of people have been displaced and lost everything.  At my end, I’ll just be thankful for what I’ve got, and not grumble about the conditions here.  Jerry is curled up on the sofa, tired out from a nice walk with my support worker this afternoon.  I’m wondering if I should be jealous of how excited he is to see her, and how he just loves her!  He was super excited to head out, and when they got back, he drank his weight in water (it’s hot out, especially if you’re small, fur covered and close to the ground) then went to get his harness to ask to go again 😆 Don was awake and energetic at an inhuman hour this morning, then said, “Drat!  I meant to do something this morning and now it’s 1pm and too late!  Darn!”  (Please substitute other words for ‘drat’ and ‘darn’) Then he locked himself in his man cave and listened to several hours of country music.  He will probably try again either tomorrow or later in the week; I just watch quietly.

I did a little better today on eating; I reactivated my alarms and drank more Ensure.  I’m getting hungry now, and will shortly go sort out something to eat as I wait for the time after my pills to elapse.  My nurse was here today and commented that my blood pressure seems to be persistently low; she will continue to monitor it just to be sure that there’s nothing of concern.  My blood sugar is also in the “low-normal” range, which is good overall.  My next thing is to schedule things like eye exams just to keep on track with monitoring my health.

The fires are still burning in the North and West of Canada, with a few others still active towards the east.  There hasn’t been enough rain to help with the firefighting efforts, and the wind and lightning haven’t helped either.  Today the fire chief reported that at least 50 homes and businesses have been destroyed, and those are in the least affected areas.  He warned that there will be more and worse damage to come.  It’s truly difficult to see this, and then to know that the effects can be felt as far away as here.  I’m disgusted by the news that fire fighting equipment has been stolen, making it even more dangerous and difficult to try to contain the infernos.  How can people sink to such depths as to steal fire fighting equipment that’s in actual use?

Happily, I finished the dress for my niece this afternoon!  🥳  Pictures will follow, once my fingers relax a bit.  I’m worried that it’s too big for her (not a real problem; too small would be catastrophic!) that it’s too short; that it’s too bulky; that she won’t like the pinks… and in the opposite direction that she’ll want a new dress every season!!  I know most of those concerns are imaginary and self indulgent, but I made a lot of guesses as to her size, height, balancing between the length of her legs and torso, etc.  If I were to make another, I’ll have a better idea of what to do, right?  (I’m not offering!!  I just finished this one!)  I picked out a pattern for my nephew, but now I’m having concerns about the wool.  The initial colour I chose feels scratchy to me, so I don’t want to use that, and the other one is much thicker, so it doesn’t match the gauge specified… I started it for the size I wanted, then realized that would swallow him, so I adjusted to one size down.  I haven’t worked in a thick wool for a while, so it feels awkward.  According to the directions (once I adapt to using this wool) I should be able to finish in a couple of days.  We shall see.  I think I’ll give myself the night off and start fresh in the morning.

Quick bit of news… my elder niece got her driver’s license today, so another teenager on the roads!  🙌 She was filling me in on the day and the rollercoaster of emotions that she experienced from the moment she was called as part of the group being tested, through her nerves starting the test and finally her relief and excitement of passing.  Uncle Don asked her what car is she saving up to buy, and I wanted to know where she’d go for her first ever solo drive.  Her answer to both was, “I don’t know.”  She said that her grandfather, in his congratulations, told her how her uncle bounced the car the first time he drove… I laughed and said that happens to everyone.  That apparently relieved her mind, as she was worried that she would be the worst driver ever.  It’s all good, though, and they had a small celebratory dinner at home for her.  Sadly, I wasn’t there, and now I have to go in search of my own meal.

Jerry has a jolt of extra energy and is barking and nipping for us to throw his toy; he just ate, so he needs to be calm for a while or else he’ll throw up.  He doesn’t approve of that any more than any toddler, so it’s a struggle for us to keep him from exerting himself.  He’s attacking Don, so I’ll just run quickly into the kitchen and sort out my dinner.  I know, shameful and cowardly!  Good night!


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