Birthday boy

Another lovely, sunny, not too hot day, with a couple of short showers to keep the humidity under control.  I enjoyed the weather and some time outdoors on my balcony where I was working on my crochet project (and resisting the call of my books!)  The tiny dictator was on my lap as much as he could manage, with his little paw in my face whenever he thought I wasn’t paying him enough attention.  He’s in a happy state now on the sofa, with one eye on each of us while he’s making a blanket fort to hide himself and his toy squirrel.  He really seems to like it; it’s the only toy that’s survived for almost 2 years, and he takes it to bed with him at night.  Don had a happy afternoon watching a sport, which his team won by a decisive margin so he’s grinning while he searches for another game on TV (there aren’t any with his preferred teams, so he’s scanning action shows.)  

I had a little trouble sleeping last night; first, I was awake until almost midnight, then I woke up around 4 and was up until after 6… then I finally fell asleep until almost 9:30.  It’s that middle of the night sleeplessness that’s most irritating; my mind isn’t busy, running over stuff, so I shouldn’t have a problem going back to sleep, especially since I’m yawning hugely.  This afternoon, just before my support worker arrived at 4:15, I was dozing off on my chair, with my crochet needle falling from my hand.  The shower helped wake me up, as did my meal, so I’m writing this, then I’ll do a couple of rounds of crochet. 

Today is my little nephew’s third birthday; he had a party at home with several of his (well, mostly his parents’) friends.  I was able to participate by video, and watched him blow out his candles and cut his cake.  My sister sent a photo of the birthday boy opening some gifts under the watchful eyes of his big sister, which I’ve shared.  These were the first of his small mountain of gifts — a fire engine and a truck — and his friends all provided a number of other items, many of which I haven’t seen yet.  Auntie provided an extension pack for his wooden train set, containing a bridge, a figure-8 track, additional carriages, trees, houses, a signal and people.  I was on video while he opened it, they assembled it and began playing… and forgot that I was on the phone 😆 At least I got to talk with my sister as the kids enjoyed the trains.  Gift giving is going to become more challenging, I see, as time goes on.  They’re 19 months apart, and while they do have some very definite preferences they both seem to like building and shaping things.  I wonder when they’ll be old enough for the “one big shared gift” idea? 🤔😉

My energy is beginning to flag, and I’m hungry again.  Not complaining, I rather like this feeling of wanting more!  So I think I’ll finish off the last slice of last night’s pizza and perhaps have a cup of chamomile tea (not together; that’s a really strange combo!) and do a couple of rounds of crochet while I establish the next part of the pattern.  The boys are fine on the sofa, ignoring me, so I’ll take advantage of this lull in attention.  Good night!


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