
We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm; really torrential rain, and the weekly tornado alert just went off… we’ve got 3 tornado warnings and watches in the last hour.  There’s a funnel cloud off to the south apparently, and the warning covers an area surrounding us, although we’re expecting more rain overnight.  We had a run to the hospital today where Jerry had a lovely time running around a small park there, and seems to have burnt off some excess energy.  He’s alternated between coming for hugs and napping (lying on his back with his little legs up in the air)  Don’s aching a little, as he’s been walking more than usual in the last couple of days — being my chauffeur is tiring, he says, LOL.  He “watched” a game this afternoon with his eyes shut and occasional snores.  No comment on whether he knew the score 😆 

So my appointment was today… I thanked my doctor for the notification that we might like the scan results, and he was right.  The tumours are still there (persistent buggers!) but some of them are definitely smaller and there are no new spots.  Can you imagine my relief at this?  I’m super thankful that the chemo is working, and we’ll be continuing it; next scan is in 3 months.  I did, though, lose another kilo — I think that the scale is off!!  Otherwise all is well, and I’m starting to think about travelling again.  Stand by!

I’m very happy with my results, and I need to think of an appropriate celebration.  Maybe a week with the small people?  My little niece begins school next month, and the elder one starts university not long after.  My godchildren are all adults and doing well, and I miss them tremendously.  I’d like to have the energy to do all the things I have in mind, not to mention the spare cash for all the travel I want to do!  I know that this gives me some more time — how much, nobody knows — but I hope to do something good and useful with it.  I would consider it dreadful if I spent my time moaning about how unfair life is, instead of trying to help and enjoying my existence, which I do.  

The little dog is bored… Don’s in the other room, with the door shut, and Jerry is never happy when he can’t see us both.  He’s wandering around getting his nose and long legs into places where he shouldn’t… he’ll be here in a minute to jump on my lap so before my iPad goes flying, I’ll say Good Night!


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