
I’m loving this mild summer weather we’re having.  It’s just right for being outdoors if you want, or relaxing with a cold drink in the shade.  The little dog objects to not being able to spend the day exploring all the blades of grass, tree trunks and other items of interest… instead, my lap has taken on the shape of a schnoodle!  He jumps up as soon as I sit, turns around a few times then collapses into a heap; then he’ll often stretch out and lie on his back to get petted (and knock my iPad or book or phone out of my hand so I can focus on him!) and generally settle himself into position until either there’s food or Don’s lap looks more interesting, whichever comes first!  Don’s doing pretty well, too, and is more comfortable with the weather also.  It apparently helps with watching whatever sport is on; at this time of year, usually baseball and the CFL.  His lack of interest in the women’s World Cup dropped even further once Canada was eliminated, so that gives me a tiny break from even more sports!!

I had a fairly decent sleep last night, only waking up about 3 times in all.  Tomorrow I need to be out of the house by 9:30 as I’ve got my appointment in the morning, so I’ll be going to bed after I post this (and drink some more water, I’m dry!)  For reasons unknown, my blood sugar jumped significantly yesterday— I haven’t changed my eating routine, and I don’t have sweets late in the evening anyway, so I was shocked when I saw the fasting sugar level.  I called my endocrinologist, left a voicemail, and am waiting for a call back; in the meanwhile I restarted my insulin at the level we stopped at (I don’t want any lows, but I also don’t want my readings to be so high either!)

Today my sister-friend celebrated Slava for St. Eli (Elias in the Roman rite) and invited about 20 people over for a minor feast.  I’m not embarrassed to admit that when she told me that there would be a particular dish, I immediately accepted!  I really like it, and it’s both fiddly and challenging to prepare (as are so many holiday foods!)  Although I equally confess that if she’d said, “we’re having stale sandwich loaf with butter and a glass of water” I’d be there just as fast because I really love spending time with her.  I’m sorry to confess that I wasn’t able to finish my plate, although I tried my best.  Everything was absolutely delicious, and I’m upset that I couldn’t do justice to the food.  It was lovely, though, to see everyone again — a few of them I haven’t seen since before Covid!! — and to celebrate my friend’s son, who has just graduated university and is heading off to Croatia to play waterpolo professionally.  We’re all immensely proud of him, and I said that I have earplugs and shoulder pads for watching his matches when sitting between his parents 😊  (They get loud and excited, and often clap me on the shoulder…)  Don came to collect me a little early as I was beginning to flag and I needed to get home and get to bed.

Thank you, everyone, for the birthday wishes for my father.  He’s smiling and pleased that so many people (many of whom he doesn’t know) thought of him.  I also appreciate them because anything that makes my father happy makes me happy as well.  OK, I’m off.  I’m pleasantly tired, full, happy for having seen friends and heard some excellent news, and feeling spoiled and petted.  It’s a lovely thing.  The boys are curled up on the sofa right now, and I’m going to be escorted to bed soon.  Good night!


  1. You are ABSOLUTELY an awesome being, Sonja! Strength, beauty, tenacity, faith! For those of us who are carrying our own health challenges, a page out of your book we aught to take! God continue to bless you, my dear friend.


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