First Sunday

The weather continues to be pleasant — warm, but not uncomfortable— with a pleasant breeze.  Today was a little hot, but bearable.  Jerry is wandering around hoping for more attention; my support worker was here, and he got some extra cuddles from her.  He was wriggling with excitement to see her and to have her play with him after she was done looking after me.  He’s looking at me now, trying to make eye contact (and I’m trying to avoid doing that) because he wants to play.  Don spent a quiet afternoon watching sports, so he’s quite happy with things as they are.  Apparently, we’re now taking turns throwing toys for the little monster, and he’s very good at keeping track of whose turn it is, and which toy he’s playing with (he ignores any but the one he chose)

As a note to wise and discerning people, I’m still unable to eat spicy foods.  I’d ordered Popeye’s as a treat and got 50-50 mixed pieces.  I tried a piece of spicy, and my stomach was on fire.  Then I reheated another piece for a later meal, and then spent most of last night near the toilet.  Apparently my system violently objected to the spices and rejected it.  I’m a little hesitant today to eat pretty much anything, but I managed a (pork) burger; or at least, a half of one and some tomato and cucumber.  I’ll be avoiding spicy stuff for a while; I’ve now got to consider what I can cook that’s not going to burn.  That, as you might imagine, is a challenge, as my pantry is designed around peppers and heat.  ðŸ˜‘

I’m sad to advise that my sister’s dog has passed on; they discovered that he had a stage 4 cancer and there wasn’t anything to be done.  My little niece in particular is devastated, and told me tearfully, “Auntie, we don’t have any dog again.”  We talked a little, and then she was temporarily distracted by Frozen Live.  I’m sure I’ll hear more as time passes.  My elder niece and I also chatted this afternoon, and I was listening to “adventures in driving lessons” which she started today (her road test is coming up soon.)  She was telling me that they were practicing hand signals, and I said that I didn’t think those were still in use!  When I did my test, 40-ish years ago, they weren’t testing on those any longer, so it surprised me to learn that they’re back on the curriculum!  She said that she’s doing her test on an automatic, but wants to get comfortable with a stick shift.  I said that it’s not hard to learn, but don’t let Uncle Don teach her!  He tried getting me reacquainted with a gear shift on the wrong side of the road and had ZERO patience!  I got mad, shut off the car, got out and told him I wouldn’t do it.  So when telling my niece, he was giggling quietly in the corner as I described his teaching methods!  She also updated me on a career fair that she attended this week with a friend.  It wasn’t what they expected, as they’d taken resumes and been prepared to talk to companies.  Instead it was a seminar on things you need to know to build and advance your career, including topics like networking, branding, office etiquette and dress, resume preparation and interviewing techniques.  She’s glad she attended, although there weren’t any companies there that were of interest to her, but she’s accepted that these tips will be necessary.  She’s a little nervous of networking, as she’s quite introverted— exacerbated by the isolation of the pandemic — and is not very enthusiastic about talking to strangers.  I promised we’d work on that.

OK, I’m off to get something unspicy to eat; I’ve suddenly got some massive hunger pangs (which will be followed by nausea if I don’t eat) so I’d better go deal with them!  Jerry is guarding his toy (how I’m supposed to throw it when he’s lying on it, I have no idea) but all is quiet.  Good night!


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