
Summer time, and the living is easy… it’s been a hot, sticky day today with a bit of a haze over the city.  There were some clouds passing, with a pleasant breeze.  The tiny monster was over the moon today as my support worker arrived a little early, and he leapt on her like she was a made of dog treats!  He even wriggled his way into the bathroom as I was getting a shower, and tried to get her to play with him instead of bathing me!  He complained when she shut him out, but he waited patiently for her and then insisted on sitting on her lap for a while.  He then climbed on Don and wriggled himself into a small ball on his lap.  Don was still feeling under the weather this morning, but is a bit perkier this evening, thankfully.  His team lost their game last night in the last minute after having led for the entire game.  He was not happy about that, as you can imagine!  This evening he watched the running of the King’s Cup — 164th anniversary.  The thing with horse racing, to me, is that there’s a lot of buildup for about 90 seconds… there’s barely enough time to sit before it’s done.

I’m ashamed to admit that I forgot to eat today.  Time was that I’d sooner forget to breathe than eat, but these days it’s all too possible.  Yesterday I slept through my alarm and was almost still asleep when my worker arrived… I’d just managed to get up when she opened the door.  Today I’d muted my phone as I worked on the dress, so my “time to eat” alarms were missed.  I took my meds and then I realized that I was ravenous!  After waiting the requisite time, I had a plateful and I’m just waiting to see if I’m actually still hungry or if I just ate too fast!

I was out this afternoon at a friend’s place, just enjoying the summer afternoon in their back garden.  It was so peaceful and relaxing to just sit and enjoy the greenery, drinking lemonade.  These kinds of days are a wonderful pause and reset moment in life.  I also got a quick call from my sister; a friend of my mother’s (one of our many brevet aunts) had gone to visit her and she called the whole family to say hello.  I do enjoy being able to connect with others, so that added to today’s happiness.  I was able to spend some time crocheting, and I can see the end of the ball of yarn, so I think the end is nigh!  Then I’ll start on my nephew’s item… I’m still behind by a bit, but we’ll get things sorted out so they both get a gift before Christmas!  It will be delightful to see them and spend some time reading and being Auntie 😁

Jerry has installed himself on my lap.. (for those wondering, his head is on the right) so typing is awkward.  I’ll therefore end this and go to bed.  Good night!


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