No time for stress

This was taken on the weekend at my friend’s patio; as I mentioned, it was a lovely relaxing day, and I thought I’d share this with you.  I have to admit that I’m less worried about my thinning hair than I am about my fading eyebrows and lashes, so I’m practicing my goddaughter’s tips for redrawing them so they look somewhat natural.  At the moment, I have a small dog lying on my toes, giving occasional barks at — I have no idea what.  I usually say that it’s the resident ghost when he does this.  Might be the sound of a leaf blowing in the wind, or his disagreement with the news or a complaint about the quality of his dinner.  It’s not constant, just every few minutes a small “yip,” almost like a reminder.  Don finished his errands this morning, finally.  A while ago the car began making an odd noise (you know the kind) and he was nervous that it was something major.  Thankfully it wasn’t too bad; when he went yesterday they wanted to keep it overnight (after ignoring it for 2 hours) so he became cranky and got back here.  This morning I found a few discounts that applied so he’s happier at having saved some money and that the repairs were not as bad as he’d feared.  Of course, that meant that the dog did not leave me alone at all while he was gone…

I’d really like to get a good night’s sleep, and to have the pain in my back revert to where it was a few days ago (ie, non-existent!)  It’s starting to interfere with my sleep a little and because my sleep isn’t great, it also affects my appetite, which decreases significantly.  Much to my surprise, staring into the fridge doesn’t cause fully prepared meals to appear, no matter how often I close and reopen the door!  When will the food synthesizer be installed?  I dream of Star Trek technology, but it’s slow to appear… although, on that point, I wonder how synthesized food would taste in comparison with fresh, home cooked meals?  I have this niggling fear that it will be more like hospital food than gourmet meals, and in that case… 

Am I the only person who will not buy products if I don’t like the commercials?  (Doesn’t mean that I necessarily buy them if I do, but it’s a hard “no” on some items!)  I’d made that comment to someone once and they said, “you’re strange, you know that?”  For instance, a few years ago a drugstore cosmetic cream ran a series of ads with the tagline “who needs DNA if you’ve got <their product>?”  I thought that was one of the dumbest questions posed, and I haven’t bought it since.  In full disclosure, I’d only ever bought it once and didn’t like it, so it wasn’t a hard choice.  Right now, there’s a fast food chain which has a super annoying jingle and even more annoying images so I’ve decided that if it’s the only place to eat I’d rather fast.  There’s a list, but on review, many of the companies/products on it are not my preference in any case, but the commercials just hardened my resolve to avoid them.  So, am I really that strange, or do others do something similar?

I have to admit that I’ve been struggling a little with some depression lately.  Part of the cause is obvious — the passing of someone that I knew, and the progressing decline of a couple of older friends.  Plus I’m frustrated that I can’t do the things that I’d like to do, and I’m getting annoyed at realizing that even if I push myself I suffer for it.  I’ve made adaptations, but even with those there are restrictions.  Something silly, and simple, like the fact that I can’t reach the top shelf of the cupboards in the kitchen nor can I step on the little stool that I have to help me with that!  It’s too tall, for one thing, and I don’t have the strength to step up, although when I’d bought it it was an easy, ideal height.  The feelings of frustration and uselessness were creeping up on me today, and I started playing some soca.  It’s amazing how that lifted my spirits!  Happiest Man Alive, High Mas, Bahia Girl and The Hammer filled me with joy and energy, then I moved on to a random selection of music… apart from a sense of annoyance that I can’t dance— my balance is off, my legs don’t want to cooperate and my winin’ bone is frozen — I’m happier.  Which led to the title — I won’t make time for stress, so that should help, right?

My nephew’s item is progressing, but I’m worrying a little about the fit.  Worst case, he can use it this season and I’ll make him a better one next year, right?  In other, unrelated but happy news, I got my new little skillet today (one of the discounts that I found.)   $12 down from $40.  Many thanks to L, who can always be counted on to support my cooking habits 😊  She’d sent me a text from Vancouver, and I sent Don on an expedition while he waited for the car.  It’s a good, small size, although with a slightly smaller base than the one I’ve had to toss, but it’s very much what I wanted.  The little dog has moved over to the sofa, where he’s watching me from under the security of Don’s arm.  I’m off to find something to eat… I don’t know what I’d like, but I’ll figure out something.  Good night!


  1. Keep the faith and continue to trust yhe man above

  2. Hi beautiful lady God's blessings flow and may each day bring renewed joy and strength amen


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