
It’s a lovely day, sunny but not too hot.  I was outside for a while as I found it freezing indoors for a bit.  It was almost chilly in the shade, but comfortable in the sun.  I spent a while by the fountain until the sun moved behind the house, then I was on the lawn getting some sun for a few minutes.  I spoke with my boys this morning, and Jerry turned his back on me while Don and I were talking!!  He watched me on video, and according to Don wagged his tail enthusiastically until I spoke to him, and he rolled over and kept his back to the phone!!  The boys are fine, and Don is still gorging on sweets — my fault for getting him some cream puffs as a treat before I left home!  He will have to transition to savoury foods soon, and the fridge is reasonably well-stocked, so he has no excuse not to eat, nor will he starve.  Jerry’s dog food is also well supplied, and they’ve both got enough to last the time I’m away.  Although I’m certain that there will probably be a few food deliveries to supplement what’s in the house!

My sleep is becoming annoying now.  Even when I take meds, I’m awake every hour.  I wake up, reach over and drink some water, then try going back to sleep.  Then I repeat.  All. Night. Long.  Today, when I went outside my back protested at my standing for about 10 minutes, and at the outdoor chair that I used.  It’s exhausting to do that, really!  My sister got some Thai basil stir fry for today’s lunch, which was very tasty, but which had a little too much spice for my tummy, which had a moment of protest.  I also had a couple of attacks of nausea — one after breakfast  and one between meals when I was outside.  I’ve had to take my anti-nausea medication twice so far today (at the approved intervals) and it’s most distressing!  

I’ve changed my role from puppy cushion to reading chair 😁  My nephew looks at me, gives me a big smile, picks up a book and climbs on my lap by means of greeting!  I’ve spent some time putting him in positions that are reasonably comfortable for me — which is something that Jerry never accepts, so this is a big improvement!  He absolutely loves construction equipment and gets very excited on drives when he sees a building site, or a school bus, or a fire hydrant.  I have been told that my favourite type of construction equipment is a dump truck… it was a choice between that and an excavator which is his.  He was diagnosed with celiac disease in March this year; his 6-month tests just came back and show a marked improvement, which is also obvious in his activity level and that he’s gained weight in the last few months. We’re all delighted that his gluten free regimen is working well.  My niece got home from daycare, and is ballet dancing in accompaniment to a music video.  I’ve had to reread Misty Copeland today — it’s almost a chapter book, so her attention wanders a little and we pause a few times.  It’s amusing to me that she’s fully absorbed when there’s dancing on TV and tries to copy the movements.

Anyway, today is the 20th anniversary of my Canadian citizenship ceremony.  I’ve now been a formal Canadian for 2 full decades, and have the attitude (at least, so I’m told.)  I have no regrets about taking on this second citizenship, nor about my choice to have moved here.  I am, though, still sometimes sensitive when people refer negatively to immigrants because I am one, and will always be, as I wasn’t born here. I do support the Canadian mosaic, and truly believe that diversity is our strength. 

Oops!  Crisis!  We’re missing a puzzle piece!  Life must now pause until it’s found, because in the interim it sounds like air raid sirens are going off… I’ll leave you so I can join in the emergency efforts.  Good night!


  1. Happy Anniversary.
    On another note, I received an. Email from the Canadian Embassy today advising my visa was approved. Yippy. Blessed night.


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