
It’s been raining all day today; heavy showers, with occasional pauses, but a very wet day overall.  It’s still cool, with some brisk breezes, and I’m still wrapped in a blanket, because it’s definitely cool.  Don, in fact, broke out one of the lighter winter jackets because he complained that it was too cold to be comfortable!  I was OK with the blanket, but I was equally happy to cuddle down in bed and get comfortable.  Jerry parked himself on my lap as usual, lying on his back and patting my face with his front paw to let me know that I wasn’t doing my job of petting him!  Don was feeling perkier today, I suppose because he was warmer and wasn’t shivering badly from the wind.  He’s been catching up on his true crime documentaries, so I’m looking over my shoulder whenever I leave the room!  

With all the rain, I had a nap this afternoon, and I feel refreshed from it, especially since I went to bed and covered, instead of falling asleep on my chair as I usually do!  Don ordered some Swiss Chalet for dinner — they now offer some roast beef specials that he seems to enjoy and I got a chicken sandwich, in which, sadly, the chicken was rather dry and tasteless.  I added some mayo and sliced cucumbers and tomatoes and buttered the bread in an attempt to make it more palatable.  Rather a wasted effort!  But Don definitely enjoyed his dinner, so that’s good.

I got a call today from someone from whom I haven’t heard (nor seen, for that matter) in over 15 years.  She called ostensibly to get my email address (which has changed) to invite me to the 40th anniversary of a social organization of which I was president some 20 years ago.  I had to break the news to her of my current condition, and then I apologized for it, as it clearly shocked her badly… it was then that it clicked how long it’s been since we’d last met!  I then changed the subject to ask after her family and grandchildren (I dimly recalled her having one) and she filled me in on their ages… the one that I remembered is now 20!  There are a few others since, but I obviously didn’t know about them until today.  She’s promised to keep in closer contact, but I’ve learnt not to rely heavily on these sudden promises.  

Ah!  I just got a notification that my wool — for my niece’s dress — has been delivered to my “mailbox or community package locker” so please excuse me while I go check on that!  Jerry is temporarily distracted so I’ll take advantage of his absence and run downstairs quickly.  BRB!  He’s faster and sneakier than I expected… I barely got out the door before he came racing up letting me know that leaving the dog behind was unacceptable behaviour!  Anyway, my package is here, and I can start as early as tomorrow on my niece’s dress!  Then on the item for my nephew— that’s going to be a challenge, as I’ve never made a sweater before… 😮

I’m off now to study the pattern a bit more so I get a solid idea of what I need to do.  It’s really important, as noted in pretty much every set of instructions, to read the pattern several times, get familiar with all the stitches, and practice any new ones before starting.  It’s going to be interesting… I’ll keep you updated as I go along.  For sneaking off and leaving the dog behind, I’m under some heavy surveillance and my feet are pinned to the ground 😆 Good night!


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