
Oak trees dressed in all their autumnal glory.  There were also several squirrels busily gathering acorns in preparation for winter… they’re also looking quite plump, so if the traditional lore is correct, we’ll have a snowy, cold, long winter.  It was distinctly cold this morning; wake up temperature was 1C and went all the way up to about 8.  Very chilly indeed.  Jerry is sulking at me, because he was alone for a couple of hours and he thinks that he’s gasoline.  Don’s knee continues to be painful and problematic, but somewhat better today so he was able to move a bit more easily, which is (of course) a relief to me.

I had an appointment this morning with my doctor at the hospital and I did blood work at the same time, just to see how I was progressing.  I reported to my doctors about my fall on Thursday, and they checked my blood pressure to see if it dropped significantly when I changed position.  It doesn’t change dramatically so I’m not at an elevated risk for falls (thank goodness) but my concern is that my knees feel weak when I try to stand.  It’s easiest when the chair is not too low, otherwise I’m struggling to leverage myself up.  I also noticed that I was “drifting” today when I walked, and was tending to move to the left.  The most concerning thing, though, is that my weight has now dropped to 91lbs, although I honestly thought that I was eating more!  It seems that my body isn’t accepting or processing nutrients to feed me, but it’s feeding that @$#%*& tumour!  I asked my doctor to please explain to my tumour that it is being greedy, and he said that he’ll try.  If I continue on this trajectory, though, it doesn’t bode well.  More prayers are clearly needed at this point.  

Am I the only one who’s getting tired of filling out satisfaction surveys?  I wouldn’t mind as much if they were taken fairly seriously, but I sincerely doubt that the coffee shop cares whether I thought that their selection of cold drinks was good (I don’t order those) and since they’ve discontinued my preferred donut flavour, I’m not exactly thrilled.  But every purchase I make, there’s a “Tell us how we did, go to this website and complete our short survey” (which can be as many as 10 questions)  One place that I frequent, though, apparently only wants 5-star ratings, which is really not possible, mostly because they want feedback on every part of the store, regardless of whether I’ve visited just one (as I select that option at the start) It’s tiring, and I’m fed up with these questionnaires.  Yes, I’m probably becoming curmudgeonly and I’ll work on that.

Happy birthday Aunt Peggy who celebrates her 87th today.  It would also have been my parents’ 57th anniversary.  We’ll celebrate the happy stuff first, right?  Good night.


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