
Cue the grumbling about the weather… although I think I’ll hold off for a bit as it’s comparatively mild today and there’s lower temperatures forecast for later this week.  It’s overcast with a dampness that just drags life down a bit, but it’s really not too bad.  It’s getting noticeably darker earlier, and by 4:30 we’re already approaching brillig (Jabberwocky from Alice) and it’s starting to feel depressive.  Many people point out that November is their least favourite month as it tends to be grey, damp, chilly and dark!  Jerry spent the morning firmly planted on my lap and refused to move, just batted  me in the face with his paw if I hinted that he should change position.  Don is still in pain from his knee, and is regulating his use of his pain meds as the side effects aren’t the most fun things!  He’s been running the percussion massager quite a bit to relieve some of the stiffness.  He has a doctor’s appointment this week, so that should help!

I slept for about 2 hours, woke up with a start, and then couldn’t get back to sleep for several hours.  I am not worrying too much about interrupted sleep; if I have nothing happening, I’ll just use the time to relax and I’ll go to bed at the usual time in the evening.  Trying to hold to a schedule unless my body starts to scream for sleep.  I’ve needed pain pills again last night, and will probably need more tonight.  Happy to report that I’ve been eating — Don saw what I’d served myself and he thought that I’d be leaving about half behind, but was very excited that I only left a couple of individual grains of rice and wanted more!  I did that both yesterday and today, plus I have other things that I’ve been snacking on.  Fingers crossed that things continue (and that I’ve gained a few ounces!)

You know the expression “by their fruit you shall know them”? (Mt 7:16)  I’ve always believed that, and it’s how to tell what kind of person is speaking.  Sadly, there are far too many people who spew hatred and preach love, or who are quick to condemn those who are different while preaching tolerance.  I have my own struggles trying to avoid becoming a hypocrite as I make the effort to follow my Catholic Christian beliefs.  For some very conservative groups, I’m in opposition to many teachings although my interpretation is that I’m opposed to the narrow viewpoints of certain individuals and not the teaching of the church.  Ultimately, I will be judged when my soul is placed in the balance, but meanwhile, I do my best.  All that being said, I’m finding that I’m cringing at the actions of many “Christians” especially those who call themselves “evangelicals.”  The US election has thrown a sharp spotlight on the dichotomy between their words and actions, as they rail against women’s rights; acceptance of the LGBT+ community; sins like adultery, theft, fraud, mendacity etc and then encourage support for a hatefilled candidate, not speaking out against violence and discrimination.  People who call themselves pastors who promote antisemitism, homophobia… who stir up hysteria over non-issues, and who invoke “the Blood of Jesus” against those who disagree with them.

Can’t we just get along?  Is it really impossible to live and let live?  Why is it seemingly necessary to threaten death to those whose views are different from our own?  I’m hoping that good sense prevails for the next 10 days (and longer) the threatening civil unrest is avoided and the risk of fascism dies a quiet death.  That’s all for tonight.  Good night!


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