
It was 6C this morning!  That was distinctly chilly, and a bit of a shock first thing when you crawl out from under a warm blanket.  I dove into a hot cup of tea, and it’s been pleasanter since.  Jerry was waiting impatiently for me to get into my chair and has been attached to my lap since.  He got out for a bit, so he’s resting now, and a bit quieter, which is good.  Don is watching recordings of sports and I’m ignoring that… and I just heard a rumble of thunder.  We were promised a “late autumn storm” tonight, so it seems that the Jewish New Year and Navratri will be washed clean tonight.

My energy is fluctuating a bit.  I have moments when I have a lot, and others when I just think fond thoughts of my bed!  Today was middling… I’m a little leery that my iron is still low, and I’m nervous about that.  It’s normal, I know, to have these reactions, but after last Tuesday and the extreme weakness I felt, anything that makes me feel short of breath or tired frightens me a bit.  I got someone to come today and cook me a Trini meal under my direction.  Tastes pretty good and I had a plateful.  That CBD oil!  It’s working well; I feel hungry about 15 minutes after I take my dose.  

For some reason I’ve been thinking about a book I had when I was younger.  It actually belonged to my cousin, who gave it to my aunt, and I inherited it with her other books.  It’s a very sweet romance entitled The Doctor’s Bride about a young girl newly married to her freshly minted doctor (why are the heroines always so very young?  They’re barely 18, and never over 23!) They move into his parents’ old home and he sets up practice in his hometown (small town, not overly friendly to strangers) but our heroine is young, shy and manages to befriend the neighbours who are the parents of the doctor’s high school sweetheart.  She’s moved to become a high fashion icon, very glamorous, and moves back to create trouble for our newlyweds.  Cue backstabbing from the ex, jealousy from the bride, a sudden, virulent illness that takes the life of the ex, and the young doctor’s apparent obsession with the ex and the story wends to a quiet, satisfying end.  I have no idea where it went… I’ve looked for it for years, but it’s vanished, but every now and then I remember it fondly.  I also can’t find it anywhere in the used book sites; there are about a dozen books with that title!  Not at all urgent, but have you ever remembered a book or story and wanted to reread it years later?

I’m expecting a call from my aunt and cousin for prayers this evening, and a call from my goddaughter to update me on things since fashion week, especially since her birthday was yesterday!  Ever notice that time stands still until there’s a child who’s growing up nearby?  If not for them, I’d still think I was in my early 20s, just out of university and starting life!  What a thought!  Good night


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