Happy Thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving from us.  It’s a brisk day — it was 1C at noon today — and slightly overcast.  Beautiful day otherwise. My sweater and blanket are definitely getting a workout, and I’ve been wrapped in one or the other all afternoon.  Right now I’m hunting online for slipper boots so my feet stay warm!  Jerry has been tearing apart the “fur” trim from my winter jacket.  I took it off the coat this morning, it fell from me and was grabbed before I could pick it up!  He’s got his little paws wrapped around it and is dozing… Don’s cooking turkey and some trimmings, so dinner will be a little later this evening.  His stuff is always good, so I just stay out of the kitchen when he’s cooking, and just enjoy the results!

Last night I fell asleep around 8pm.  I’m still stunned by that.  I slept solidly until midnight and then after that I woke intermittently.  Part of my discomfort I realize comes from the pressure on my coccyx and then on my arms as I tried to find a comfortable position.  If I lie on one side, my shoulder and arm start to ache, so I roll over; the only position available is on my back, which means pressure on my lower back.  It’s aggravating, and I’ve tried literally everything recommended by my occupational therapist to try to alleviate the pressure but nothing seems to work.  

I was out this morning for brunch with a friend at a nearby restaurant that neither of us had tried before.  The food and company were both excellent and I’m very glad I was out, even for the short period.  The difficulty I had was that I was having enormous trouble breathing, and it took a while before my breath settled enough so I could talk, even after using a rescue inhaler.  I have to confess that I needed help getting into and out of the car and getting to my table, and it’s very challenging for me to ask for help, and harder yet to be able to accept it.  Thankfully my friends have learned to ignore my pride and still provide support when I need it.  I’ve been resting since I got home and I feel more energetic (not a lot, but enough to move around) and I’m proud to say that I ate all my brunch — in 2 servings.  I ate about half at the restaurant, and the rest around 4 (I got home at 1:30)

Anyway, to everyone who’s celebrating today, I hope that you’re having a good time with family, friends or other loved ones.  Enjoy the holiday!  Good night


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