
There was a wild wind storm last night that woke me up, somewhere around 2am.  The howling, banging and noise was quite tremendous.  There was a rainstorm at the same time, which made things feel crazier.  Jerry did not approve, and was trying to hide under us last night, working to bury himself away from the wind.  He’s calmer today, and is presently chewing his ball.  Don’s fine, and not in any extra pain, so that’s good news.

My tummy is calmer again today, and I’m quite happy that it’s settled.  It’s a relief when things are back to normal and I’m not in pain or exhausted.  I had a decent dinner, and I had a fairly relaxed afternoon.  In the ongoing PSW saga, the person I had yesterday, did laundry, and for the third time in a row, brought back my clothes dripping wet and left them in the laundry basket… When I say dripping, I mean literally. Don says she probably doesn’t know how to use the dryer (put clothes in, tap to pay, press start, come back in an hour.)  Today’s worker took them back to dry and I was so angry I called the agency and asked for yesterday’s worker to be taken off my laundry schedule.  She’s wasted a lot of my money, and when she’s doing laundry, she doesn’t do anything to assist me.  Everyone else takes the clothes down, comes up and attends to me and just goes down to change over or bring up the clothes - dry!

I’ve been doomscrolling some reaction videos, for cooking videos in particular.  There are some blasphemous abominations that are conducted in the name of “cooking” — like putting whole blocks of cheese into dishes, and topping them with the contents of various cans complete with the liquid, or undercooking chicken or pork, or in one especially dreadful example, cooking in the sink of a hotel bathroom.  People just waste food in these things… or they try some strange things, like adding fish to cake batter and icing cakes with whipped cream and sardines.  🤢  In contrast, one of my friends is trying to learn how to cook themselves, and is struggling through some of the stages of making “it’s not quite right” but working to improve — kudos to them for the effort.

I’m heading in for another early night, because it’s draining.  Even though I’m not exhausted, I find that resting is a good thing.  That’s it for today.  Good night.


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