Week ending

Ahh… autumnal weather and the cool breezes and chill nights and the need for sweaters and blankets… The thought that it will get colder doesn’t make me excited; I’m too old for Christmas weather for more than 2 days!  Jerry has been over excited today because there was a stranger here and he doesn’t approve of that in the least.  Don is ok, although his balance was a little erratic earlier and fell back on his chair, but he’s fine.  He’s been wrangling Jerry who is being a challenge…

I’m hungry a lot; that CBD oil works marvels.  I’ve got meals for a couple of days, and we’re debating making a Thanksgiving dinner this weekend.  I will ask my worker tomorrow (who is a lovely, accommodating person) to help with preparing the potatoes so we can make the rest of the meal.  I don’t think she’ll have a problem; the other person has difficulty remembering to take out the trash when she leaves, among other things.  I’m getting irritated with her, as I have to repeat any requests at least 3 times before she responds, and then she asks me where to find things that she put away… I’m wondering if she has a hearing problem, difficulty with English or something.  I had a bit of a challenging night last night… “digestive distress” is highly upsetting!  

My sister sent the photo of the northern lights from last night; they went out in search of them, and then realized they could see it from their backyard.  I live in the middle of light pollution and high rises, so it’s much more difficult.  They are lovely, aren’t they?

Early night tonight, in hopes of restoring some of my energy.  My occupational therapist was here to measure me for a walker, and we discussed some other aids, like a better chair to help me.  I’ll get a walker on loan for a month, and then I’ll be evaluated for a more permanent solution; she was explaining some of the programs available to help with funding, etc.  One of the requirements is that my doctor provides a letter explaining that my prognosis is that I will likely still be alive and using the device in 6 months, so that was easy to arrange!  I don’t plan to join my ancestors quite yet.

At this point, I would like to say that sadly my aunt Katy Morris passed away yesterday after a really long struggle with cancer.  I’m saddened by her loss, but relieved that she’s no longer suffering.  She was always so cheerful and upbeat, no matter how badly things were going.  I will really miss her.  Good night.


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