
Rainy fall days feel colder than they are really.  There’s a dampness that soaks in and gets into your bones… although that’s probably exacerbated by age and infirmity, and sadly, I feel both.  Night temperatures are in the single digits, so blankets are necessary.  Jerry is Dickie dancing all over, because his worker is cooking for me today and he’s super excited.  He won’t stop barking except when she’s playing with him, and he has run to show her his leash and harness at least 5 times in the last 15 minutes!  Guess what he wants? 😆  Don is moving a bit stiffly, which I attribute to the weather but he’s not in worse pain, thankfully.  His coordinator was here yesterday, and I’m waiting for a call to know when his personal support worker will start.  He’s glued and torn between sports and US elections… while I’m watching the comedy shows about it; it’s about the same level of information either way!

I conked out early last night, although I spent a good few hours awake in the middle of the night for no rational reason.  When I was woken up this morning by the nurse, I actually felt a lot more alert and hungry!  After the nurse left (I’m sorry to say that I’m not particularly fond of this nurse since he spends more time talking about his trips and hobbies than listening to what I’m saying.) I had a very filling breakfast that I’ve been craving for a couple of days, and I had a decent meal later.  So as far as meals are concerned, I’m good today!

I had a nightmare this morning after I fell back asleep; I dreamt that I’d gone back to university to get a degree in Mathematics.  Not even the fun kind, which would include things like movement and game theory, but pure math, which is a form of torture to me.  (Not my uncle, who relishes it, and has fun with it)  Not only was I twice the age of the average undergraduate but my textbooks were severely outdated and I couldn’t understand anything.  The real nightmare part was the exam, in which I showed up to a hall with only 2 other people present who scrutinized my every move and I had to answer questions blindfolded… Dreams can be odd, can’t they?

I spent some time today trying to remember a song that I’d heard some years ago and I know I liked it, but I couldn’t remember the name; when I tried to remember the melody I could only recall another song that wasn’t it; couldn’t remember the artist, nothing except that I liked it and wanted to hear it again.  I struggled with it for a while, then remembered that Google could probably find it, which it did immediately.  Isn’t technology great?  In the old days I’d have had to pull out a reference book and try to find something that jogged my memory… this is great.

OK, I’m off to instruct on cooking so I’ve gotta go.  Hope that all is well.  Good night!


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