
 It’s the feast of Our Lady of Fatima today; it was the saint’s day for my home parish and we used to have a harvest festival, with all the booths and games that are typical.  I used to really enjoy going to the harvest, wandering around, trying to win one or another of the prizes (always donated, almost never new, and often just taken home, packed away and donated again the following year.). Such great memories; we used to meet our friends there and go around in a small group to either play games or go to the disco (yes, we had those) I am not sure if they continue or not these days.  Jerry was having a great time bouncing around and tossing his ball.  He’s settled on the sofa now looking cute and wagging his little stumpy.  Don’s planning to get to work on some mashed potatoes later, although I think we didn’t have enough peeled… pity.  If I’d thought about it, I’d have ordered some extras for Thanksgiving dinner, but my dates were all skewed.

My sleep last night was a bit broken; I don’t know why.  I went in, fell asleep and woke up several times for no reason that I could identify.  I ate pretty well yesterday, and I’ve been grazing a bit today.  A friend dropped off some tea and donuts yesterday, which was a nice treat.

Am I the only person who gets annoyed at the protagonist in a book when you think they’re being stupid?  I’m reading one now where the lead woman is busy being insulted every time the leading man breathes.  I’m getting annoyed at her behaviour which seems puerile, but she’s portrayed as “courageous”, “stubborn” and “independent.”  I roll my eyes and skip chunks of the text while she gets over her latest snit, but that just means that I miss at least a quarter of the story.  Five seconds of sense, and things will be better.  IMO, the worst example of this is Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind.  Oh, how that flibbertygibbet annoys me.  She’s not brave or anything just emptyheaded, stubborn and bone stupid.  I’m willing to be corrected, but at the moment, that type of character is just dreadful.

That’s about all today.  I’m going in search of something else to eat, because I’m hungry and then I’m thinking of bed.  Good night!


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