Ad nauseam

Sunday - a lovely, quiet day of rest. Except that my stomach persists in reverse mode, even after I've had my anti-emetic! It finally settled around 3 pm, I ate very little and I'm afraid of eating. I know that I need to eat, and I am, but I'm hesitant. I'll probably need to learn the best schedule for the meds, so that I can cover off the dose's titration properly. I hope that I can manage to work on the times appropriately. There an 3 more days of treatment, and I have 5 days of medication, so I hope that's enough.

Jerry climbed into my lap after my lay minister left, and stayed there while we caught up on last night's episode of SNL, then he transferred over to . Don for a bit. He's again lap-jumping in hopes of being spoiled, hand-fed snacks and having massages!

I'm beginning to panic and scramble. I had planned a couple of Christmas presents, one of which I need to order, and I'd started working on it. However, we're now past Oct 15, and I'd expected to have sent in my order already! But I still have 2 days' work to complete it! high! I'm so annoyed that I'm not done. It means that everything will slip later than I'd like. It is not critical, but I prefer to clear my to-do list! At this point, either I push through the next few days to send in the order, or I take a more relaxed a and finish it later on. The better, more sensible approach is the latter. We'll see if sense prevents!

I'm falling asleep on myself, so... Good night!


  1. SNL has its peaks and valleys…is on an upward trajectory of late. The Rami Malek episode was well done.

    My Christmas rum cakes are quietly aging in Le caveau - they're in the dishwasher 😂 (I never use it and the cakes are wrapped in parchment paper and ziplock bags).
    No purchased gifts only comestibles by me/from me this year.

  2. SNL has its peaks and valleys…is on an upward trajectory of late. The Rami Malek episode was well done.

    My Christmas rum cakes are quietly aging in Le caveau - they're in the dishwasher 😂 (I never use it and the cakes are wrapped in parchment paper and ziplock bags).
    No purchased gifts only comestibles by me/from me this year.


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