An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur?

I've had a groggy day today, which goes along with the grey, grizzled, Fall day that's happening. I called the radiation oncology department to report my nausea and pain, so I could get a refill of my prescription. The doctor ordered a week's worth of meds in case I need it, but we all hope that I don't.

Jerry spent the day asleep and snoring on my lap until I evicted him and then when he got fed. Then he was full of beans and scratched and played and let me know that he needed more attention. Silly puppy!

So I have a question for you, please. Someone asked me and I answered but on reflection, I think that your collective wisdom. The question is: "What do you say to a nurse who refuses to be vaccinated but says "I was there working when there was no vaccine, and now you want to fire me'?"

My response was that, briefly, the nurse has to comply with the requirements of the job, and a vaccine is now a requirement. Plus, how can you work in medicine and not follow the dictates of the profession? In my view, I am not sure that they can be trusted; can we be sure that they would administer the correct meds? It may be OTT, but I would have questions. But for nurses, I don't understand how refusal enters the conversation. what is the thought process that get to that point? I'd like to understand. I mean, while it's not as serious, it's tantamount to me as a project manager saying that I don't believe in planning. Or a lawyer saying that they don't care about the law.

It's 2 months from Christmas today. Have you started your shopping / planning /baking yet? Allegedly it's getting late to soak your fruits for black cake, but there are ways around that! The garlic pork should be packed now, and fig leaves should be getting cleaned. And so on. I have done none of these things. Nor have I finished my other preparations.  Pretty much everything is not happening. We shall see what unfolds!

I'm again struggling to stay awake, so I'm going to try catching up on sleep.. Goodnight!


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