Snuggle time

I need to be awake early, because my treatment is an early one tomorrow. Today actually worked out well-I got called in a bit ahead of schedule, so I finished early enough to meet up with a friend who had been getting her chemo treatment in the same building.

Jerry decided that he's going to be a barnacle today. I tried to throw him off my lap 5 or 6 times, and he seemed to grow a dozen or so extra limbs and dropped an anchor to hold him in place, then suddenly added 50-60kg to his weight... He howled pathetically when I got our of the car, and jumped on my lap as soon as I sat again. Did I mention that he's persistent?

Someone came up with a brilliant idea, that I really have to share. Yesterday, I mentioned people who got upset at the use of the word "niggardly," which essentially means "stingy." It bears no relationship to another, more troublesome word, but I thought that people were too thin-skinned. But my friend J said, "what if we got rid of the concept of stinginess? And instead we promoted generosity?" Isn't that a fabulous concept?  Let's do it!

Bedtime-because some of us need to be up when rosy-fingered dawn begins her daily ablutions. (Yes, I was reading Homer's Odyssey, thanks for noticing!) Good night!


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