lapsus memoriae


Still dealing with that annoying pain in my back. I've been pausing in my activities every 10 - I5 minutes to sit and rest before I resumed what I was doing. I cooked some sweet-and-sour pork tonight, pausing twice. It's very annoying to me. I had a lot of difficulty falling asleep last night. I finally did around 2:30am, and I woke up at 8:30. Exhausting and annoying!

Jerry spent as much time as he could curled up in my lap. He hopped up early this morning, got evicted for a minute, then crawled back up. Any chance he got, he returned to my lap and just settled in! I don't know if I mentioned that he's dreadfully spoilt and bossy? Because he is! And he's so sweet and loving, so I just spend time scratching behind his ears, patting his tummy and being snuggled.

We had a chat this afternoon, full of nostalgia. Don was reminiscing about summers when he was a boy, and he and his friends would hitch-hike the 10 km from his home town to a nearby lake several times a day. He talked about standing on the car's running board (among other, less safe, options) and staying out until dark. I didn't have any experiences like that, but I remembered us piling into a friend's father's small car, somehow fitting 8 teenagers into a little coupe. There were other activities that would not pass muster now! Riding in the bed of a pickup truck; sitting 4-across the front seat of a car, and so on. I can look back at these memories and smile; thankfully, no-one got hurt, and we all had fun. It's good that cars are much safer now. So many potentially deadly things that we did! Not too long ago. another friend shared photos from our late teen years when one of the guys was riding a motorcycle that he'd built; at the same time (approximately) another guy was rebuilding a car engine. - I wasn't into engines, but I'd built a few computers. There are some good, fun memories, all pre-Facebook and Instagram! Not a cellphone or pager among us! But somehow we survived! There is a delightful observation saying, "I'm happy that my crazy phase happened before smartphones!" I definitely agree! Although our crazy days were not very crazy!

It's become more scary to raise a family now, it seems. As I remember us heading out for a weekend trip-30 or so teens-with no means of easily contacting our parents; who, conversely, had no way of supervising us! Cell phones snuck in on us, but are now so necessary that it is an aberration if you don't have one! I, like many others, spend much of my free time online. When my mother learned how to text, she was super excited. the never did upgrade to a smartphone though, She was comforde with a guy phone; she • was happy texting with the numbers, so she did. My dad just won't text, but he's attached to his phone, nonetheless.  My niece is not even allowed to go unaccompanied to piano practice on the next street… we were out all weekend, more or less, at her age  l’ll be thinking of this and how to arrange things so she’ll have a bit more freedom  it will need  soytimexhih and get her some independence…

Thats the trip down memory lane for tonight. Good night all; sleep well, and sweet dreams!


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