omnium gatherum

Slight improvement today. with a bit less pain, and a bit less nausea. My sleep was interrupted, though, last night. I didn't fall asleep until almost 3. I had thoughts of getting up and eating-I could feel that my sugar was low- but I didn't want to disturb the dog. I dozed off and on until about 8:30, and I feel wiped out today. I'm sure that it will improve. I ate some toast and tea and a vegetable samosa today. As for the pup, he pushed the plate out of my lap and parked himself there instead. He's been huffing disapprovingly for a while because of my crochet, which is in his spot.

Sigh- my crochet remains stubbornly unfinished. I can only blame Jerry for very little of that. A lot more is linked to either me falling asleep without warning, or else that my pain interferes with my crochet. Having conceded that I'm not going to meet any of my self-imposed deadlines, I'll just relax and enjoy it, and dream about some other fun patterns that I've downloaded. I've got a few dozens saved on 3 different websites... but no judgement. (And no further explanation!) I have made myself promise not to buy any more wool until I've completed 2 projects. The one currently on my hook and another... I won't commit to which that will be, but I have dreams. They are not pressuring me, but I'd love to see some progress!

I've made arrangements, finally, to donate some kitchen/houseware stuff to the Rehab Centre. While I was there in June, I spent some time (like everyone does) in the self-contained apartment, to get used to moving around and cooking; getting in and out of the tub, etc. I was fortunate, because my stay was temporary. But they needed a few items-kitchen utensils; pots; cutlery... so I've gone through my stuff and found some duplicates that will move over there. It's one way to meet my charitable goals while being practical. These types of gifts are more challenging with the pandemic, but are still needed. In chatting with friends, I learnt that one directs the proceeds of garage sales to specific programmes. Another makes meals for the shelter. And others collect items for a halfway house. I'm inspired by them and their ideas, really!


  1. Have an amazing day cous ,you can do all things through Christ amen .......I too dream of finishing sewing long overdue jobs looking at me but numbness and cramps slows me down just keep hoping .one day I wake up with a burst of energy and no more body pains and weakness


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