Stupor mundi

 Day 1 after treatment. My body is letting me know that there will be repercussions for the radiation. I'm getting the first pains of tumour death-it's normal after treatment that  the tumour sends off pain as it dies from the radiation. That can last a few days, then I'll feel better. I've learned that I have several stages to go through, no shortcuts. It will pass, and I'll recover.

I had Jerry on my lap, refusing to move. I tried pushing him off, he just grew extra limbs. I asked nicely, he just wriggled around and planted himself into my lap. I gave up and petted him, and he just snuggled in. He's persistent, and preposterous!

I was watching the news a bit- not something I should do too often! There were, as usual, the stats for covid infections, hospitalizations and death. And recently, the numbers of unvaccinated among them. Sadly, they account for more than 80% of infections and over 90% of deaths. That is just...

Those people are demonstrably stupid, selfish and senseless. The disease is now manageable, which it wasn't a year ago. There is a safe prophylactic available-at no extra charge, too- so I do not understand why there are still holdouts. There are those who are so entrenched in their foolishness that they are resorting to the courts to whinge. So far, thankfully, the courts have thrown out these cases. What a waste of resources.

I've heard the "personal choice" argument. That's true to a point. But not taking the vaccine has repercussions for others, not necessarily the jackass who refused it. They are more likely to have severe illnesses, to transmit asymptomatically and to be a risk to the population. Dreadfully, I heard people saying that they don't care if people get sick, it's not their concern. How horrible. Their parents should be thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed at having raised such sociopaths.  In my view, “personal choice” only applies when you’re the only one affected  - having tuna for lunch is an appropriate personal choice applica"tion  or choosing whether to take the bus or a train , or getting a nose ring.  All personal choices.  But getting vaccinated against a virus that’s highly contagious to protect yourself and others is a public safety issue, not personal.  I’m in complete agreement with employers who say that an unvaccinated employee is an unemployable person; they are clearly taking the health of their staff and clients seriously.  And medical professionals who don’t follow science have no business working in healthcare!

But part of the news related to being able to travel again, which makes me happy. I'm really enthusiastic about that! I'll daydream my trips to Europe, back home and to visit other friends and family. (Yes, Europe includes the UK for me, still, never mind that boneheaded choice!) 

I’m very excited that my niece starts the next stage of her school career on Monday, when she heads into Lower Sixth. Last 2 years of high school, before university and all those adventures!  Well done niece!  Good night!


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