Dicebamus hesterna die.
We can skip over the things that haven't changed-I'm sure that you're as bored as I am of hearing about the pain, nausea and exhaustion. I did have a lovely chat with my sister, dad and niece and we decided on the menu for one day soon. Plus we set up our weekday challenge, so it was a great conversation.
Jerry is again being a snuggler. He jumps up into my lap, curls up in a ball and settles in_My niece was very amused to see him move my hand to rub his tummy and generally spoil him. He definitely likes being petted on my lap. He's feeling like himself again; I'm SO happy!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to email and wish us a happy Thanksgiving. It's so wonderfully kind of you to include being thankful for me. I'm deeply thankful for all of you.
Another early night tonight, I hope that I'll be able to get back some energy before tomorrow's session This is so draining! Enjoy your time with family and friends-I definitely hope that we can expand groups for the holiday season. Treatment resumes tomorrow and I see the doctor for the weekly check, so we’ll discuss my symptoms and hopefully get them sorted! Good night.
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