beatae memoriae

Yay! No throwing up today. AND I was in and out in record time. WOO! That 's a lovely way to end the week, ent it? My appetite is stel a bit behind where I'd like it, but... it will improve, right? Don was complaining that his sciatica was acting up this week, but he was moving slightly easier today, so I hope it's improving. Jerry was being a brat, and stole a piece of chicken off my plate and at it despite being told to drop it. It was curried, and had a bone. He was fast, and jumped up and grabbed it as I was getting out of my chain. He's curled up on Don, seeking protection! I've warned him that I won't per him if he throws up tonight. (You believe me, right?)

It's a grey, cloudy Fall day, where the threat of rain was ever-present, but not actualized. (I don't like that word; it's inelegant, to say the least.) The colours are in full display, which is always lovely to see! I wish that I were more able to walk easily, so I could stroll in the many areas nearby. But that's not an option at the moment.

And with that, I'm going to stop griping about my limitations! I just this minute received a text to advise of the passing of one of my cousins. He had shared parts of his life story-in his youth he became addicted to drugs. He later was very involved with the various "Anon" groups, helping others who struggled with their diseases. I didn't know him in his addiction, but he was a lovely, kind man, who was very generous with his time and energy. He will be missed. And for me, his passing is a firm reminder that time is feeling, so it shouldn't be wasted moping about things we can't change. Back to the Serenity Prayer again! In a recent meeting with him, we had talked about the mistakes he'd made, and how they couldn't be undone, but he could work to do 2 things: Not make the same mistakes again, and help others avoid pitfalls. As I said, I didn't know him in his darkest days-I wasn't yet born - but in his later life he was an inspirational person. May he Rest in Peace.

Today, too, I leaned of the passing of a man who was an inspirational musician; he was described as a "truly patriotic Catholic; always dressed in his signature red, black and white, his powerful voice rolling out the syllables of his iconic '0 Creator!' as the drums thundered in joyful praise." I can't think of a better epitaph for him. He transformed music in churches, so that they echoed Trini sentiments blended with the theology.

I'm going to head off to rest; I'm again tired! Good night!


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