dum vita est, spes est

Where do I start? Well, I started throwing up when I first got up this morning, and I would not ease off, despite having taken 3 doses of my meds. (the third was an hour after the second) When I arrived at the Cancer Centre, the techs were very kind, and equipped me with a barf bag and handed me into the care of a nurse. She gave me a sub-lingual dose of a stronger anti-emetic, and that seemed to help. I got agreement to remove my mask. and we got through the session.

The prescription for my anti-emetic was received by my pharmacy on Tuesday, and it was finally processed today. It was delivered this afternoon, so I started it tonight. I removed the mask just to help with some air while I struggled with waves of nausea. I got a lovely compliment from the young woman screening patients at the entrance She said, "You're always dressed in such lovely, bright colors! It's so cheerful!" the couldn't see my smile, but it was definitely on! I thonger.it was great of her to notice and comment. It boosted my feelings a lot. Anyone noticed that when you get an unexpected compliment, you feel a "woosh” of good feelings? And it's doubled (or more) if it comes on a day when you're feeling low? (And nauseous?)

I like that feeling. who wouldn't? . Unexpected compliments are the best, too, because they show up when you've taken no special effort with your appearance. Gotta love that. Although it's a little demoralizing if you've spent Hours on hair, makeup and clothes and nobody says a word.  Thankfully, that's never happened to me, but it's a nagging little fear.

There are a few topics that I'm itching to dive into, but I need to stay awake to do them! Fingers crossed that next week will improve. Good night!


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