pro tanto

Another achy day, although less than yesterday. I'm noticing that I gasp for air if I bend over to do almost anything; I tried putting some dishes into the dishwasher and it felt like I'd run a marathon carrying a ton of bricks... The oxygen helps, but I think it's more due to me sitting and relaxing, so I show down my breathing. I'm managing to eat a couple of small meals, even with a wave or so of nausea. I'm happy that I'm not actually throwing up, but even so, I feel queasy far too often for my comfort.

Jerry was being a diva this morning. Don went down to throw out some recycling, and I was still asleep- it was almost 9 am! Jerry began to whine and whimper, so I had to get up to see why he was so excited, just as he started scratching at my door and giving little sharp banks. So I calmed him down, Don got back (he had been out for all of 10 minutes!/ then my lap was filled with a Schnoodle who insisted that I had to rub his belly for about 40 minutes. I timed it!  He's good at snuggling up and seeking sympathy -so every time he gets evicted, he waits 5 minutes and climbs back on my lap... spoiled puppy!

I have to wonder about people. As everyone knows, the pandemic has disrupted every aspect of our daily lives. From multiple shutdowns, stay-at-home orders and restricted gatherings, there isn't any area that's the same as it was 2 years ago. We've made a lot of changes to help keep us safe. Some people accepted these changes and did everything possible to protect themselves and others. While others do everything they can to flout the rules just to be "different." The simplest of these differences is at the supermarket, where they have done a lot of work to mark aisles one way, just so people can ignore the arrows. If people don't cooperate on this approach to reduce congestion, is it really surprising that there are people who are actively working to prolong the infection? The anti-mask and anti-vaxx crowd are pushing for more and worse infections because they are- without apology-stupid and selfish. I've heard the BS about "do your own research" which has nothing to do with actually understanding the issues. They're lazily re-reading the opinions of attention seeking troglodytes who are just trying to see how many gullible fools they can reach. The people whipping up anti-vaxx sentiments have already got theirs. Now, they are laughing at the pain suffered by their followers. They misuse the concept of "personal choice" while overlooking their hypocrisy. Do these people actually understand what is meant by the phrases they parrot? Like, "in depth research,” "personal responsibility," "individual choice," or "privacy"? I think not. I'm disgusted by them, and by the manipulation practiced by their "leaders"

I’ve watched people who should know better, stand before a wall of microphones and spout utter rubbish. Like union leaders who call for a strike instead of encouraging a safer workplace. Or politicians, who babble about "individual choice" in hopes of collecting votes, but then flip when pressed. Religious leaders who feign outrage at stay-home orders, claiming discrimination, while stressing the urgent need for their followers to keep making their tithes. Business owners who flout regulations then run online fundraisers to pay their fines... I could go on, but the hypocrisy runs deep! I'll urge that people examine the motivations of those pushing against the public health regulations. Are they truly concerned about the safety of the greater population, on their own popularity? Are they working to help these disadvantaged by the shutdown, or to benefit their own pockets? Are they helping people learn how to read medical studies, or just promoting controversy and conspiracy? What I've seen, sadly, is far too many publicity-seeking, conspiracy streading, abusers of trust who really are only seeking to profit from difficulty.

Ok, I'm really going to ban news shows when I'm in pain, because I lose all sympathy for people who say and do the stupid things that prolong the pandemic. It's now my new bedtime, since Jerry is butting me! Good night!


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