hinc et inde

Sigh. Two appointments in a row-last night and this morning-the machine threw a hissy fit, and my treatment lasted over 2 hours-for something that should take about 30-40 minutes. It's stressful because I'm lying in a not-too-comfortable position, and that puts pressure on my back, and therefore, pain. We've adjusted my anti-nausea meds, so at least that helps. My full prescription should arrive tomorrow. I hope that my appetite arrives with it!

Don did the turkey dinner for Monday's Thanksgiving meal.. It was delicious, but I had a very tiny serving which was almost too much. My year-old nephew can consume double what I ate with no difficulty. Jerry suspected that something was up this morning when I got up before 6am He was on full alert until he got his harness and headed to the car! He spent the drive snuggling against me until we turned into the Cancer Center driveway, then he was stiffly alert. On the way home, he was again cuddly and affectionate!

It will be another early night. I'd love to be able to plan an activity that starts later than 6pm, end doesn't end by 9! I miss spending evenings with my friends. Between the pandemic (thankfully easing up finally) and my treatment (recovery, etc. I have really only frequented the hospital and a rare visit to the supermarket. Then I remind myself that it's not even 5 months since they cut open my spine, so I really can't be too shocked that I'm limited in my movements.

That being said, I'd still like a bit more mobility than I have. I'll stop whinging now-it's too easy to slip into a sad state. I'll go to bed and get a good, restful sleep, and wake refreshed. Good night!


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