My appetite continues to yo-yo. I had a small chicken shawarma, which was divided in 2. Last night I again woke up with low sugar, so I had a can of Coke and some food. Today was the shawarma, tea, a half Coke and water. I'm back on the anti-emetic for a maximum 10 days - hopefully I won't need that many! I don't like either not being hungry or battling nausea.
It's that time of year when the news is showing Halloween decorations but commercials are gearing up for Christmas. I'm not a fan of this season-squashing, but I'm simply going to ignore them! I'm also openly admit that I'm not a watcher of horror movies. It's a long-standing joke in my family since my siblings all binge-watch horror movies. This time of year I traditionally avoid TV, but with multiple streaming services, I'm good! I will be happily watching The Muppets with their wise cracks and monsters. I'm good with that. It may seem childish, but I'm not a blood-and-gone fan. It was for that reason I never watched more than 2 episodes of "Game of Thrones" or 15 minutes of "The Witcher." I'm perfectly happy with Muppets, or, at a stretch, a thriller. As you might guess, I'm not much of a fan of Halloween. It was never a "thing" when I was growing up, and I never really adapted to it. But I do love Christmas and I gorge-not just binge- on classic movies. I've changed my views on some of them for being misogynistic and otherwise outdated- and those are the cartoons!
I'll be quietly watching kiddie-level Halloween shows, and then I'll begin on the Christmas shows! Good night!
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