
More tiredness, aching, nausea... This sadly seems like "normal" these days. I'm not thrilled with that, as you can guess, even as I'm grateful to be here, griping about these problems. It's a bit challenging to keep a focus on what's good, instead of slipping into darkness. If the day ever comes when I can't find the good, I will rely on you all to come pull me back into the sunlight!

Last night we had a few moments of flat out panic. Jerry started vomiting for no reason that we could see. He was doing that for almost an hour. Thankfully, he's settled, eating and drinking and active. He's climbed into my lap about 4 times today, and went with Don to the grocery. It's a huge relief that he's better, as you can imagine... I hope that he doesn't scare us like that again! He's getting extra spoiling today, and we're rechecking everything to try to identify what he might have eaten.

It's Thanksgiving weekend here. As is traditional, I'm listing the things for which I am most thankful. It's a practice that I've been using for a while-as you know, and I've discussed a few times. So here's the list for 2021.

  • I'm thankful for my medical team. They have shown, repeatedly. that they are committed to maintaining my quality of life, and they discuss options with me, patiently and clearly. I'm thankful that I'm in a city where there is excellent medical care.
  • I'm thankful for my friends who haven't forgotten or given up on me, even though I'm too often unable to join in with their plans. It's good to know that they care and are concerned.
  • I'm thankful for my boys, Don and Jerry, who daily boost my spirits, even without realizing it, sometimes. They are very much a source of comfort and joy.
  • I'm thankful for my family who are always there to support me. I'm very thankful to know that I can reach out at any time and they will answer. They’re great at cheering me up, at sharing silly, fun things when necessary, and giving a boost when needed. This includes all the kids, the "adoptees" and the friends-who-count-as-family (you know who you are!)
  • I'm thankful for things like my ability to crochet, to cook, to read and enjoy a variety of materials, and for finding ways to care for myself when things feel overwhelming. And for tea. So warm, so comforting!
  • I’m thankful for my faith and for the many people who share in my belief in prayer  We may not all share the same creed, but I’m very thankful for the prayers offered on my behalf  

That's it. Again, I'm tired, so off to bed, accompanied by the tiny, dictatorial, bed warmer. I hope that you have a great Thanksgiving, with those you love. Thankfully, given the vaccine uptake levels, more families can gather in person this year. Excellent, isn't it? Even if you're not gathering, I hope that you're able to share memories with loved ones. Good night!


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