
Still feeling sore and achy today. I feel like I'm wearing a belt of spikes that are stabbing me. It's frustrating and annoying and- as mentioned- painful. I hope that it'll improve sooner than not. My appetite is still not restored, although I can tolerate looking at pictures of food. It's not always easy For some reason, my phone isn't letting me call Trinidad. It doesn't ring on my end, and I can't hear anything, although my aunt says that she can hear me. Also, if they call, I can chat with them. But it's free for me to call them, so I discourage them calling me. And as for the super-convenient apps that allow free VOIP calls-when dealing with seniors in the high 80's who are uncomfortable with technology, they are only useful if someone is at home with the apps on a smart- phone, which didn't happen today. So I have a problem to solve.  Jerry was perfectly happy this morning rolled in a ball on my lap. His repeating the experience by lying on Don, now.

I will be practising patience and restraint this weekend. I have the urge to do quite a lot of baking and cooking, but I think that my plans are more ambitious than my capabilities. The facts, pathetic as they are, remain that I find it painful to stand for more than about 15 minutes. I'm getting better, I know, but to knead a loaf of bread (which is what I rather would like to do) would have me in dreadful pain. I can use a machine, but getting the from out of the bin where it's stored requires bending-and that's still a no-no. So I'll quit whining, and find alternate activities that are ten draining. So no, I won't be . . cleaning the freezer/fridge; nor scrubbing anything; nor beating up myself for anything. I don't need "the talk," my lovely ladies. I'll also avoid much of social media, where people are flooding my feed with their many projects and activities, and I want to join in with them.

I know I should ignore things that are unhelpful, but I feel guilty that I'm not doing much! I spend most of my day sitting and resting, with occasional breaks for short walks (downstairs to check mail, eg) and reading or trying to work on my crochet-when Jerry gives me a moment-or reading and writing. I still struggle with feelings of inadequacy. That's exacerbated by the time of year, as I start to wrestle with my PTSS and the anniversary of my diagnosis. The next 2 weeks will be challenging as the dates crawl closer.

This is an early request for pictures of puppies, and fun jokes (Yes, including puns !) There help me to re-centre when the day get rough. Thanks, as always, for your encouragement and support. Good night!


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