luctor et emergo

I had an excellent sleep last night. I had a solid 6 hours, plus some extra. I woke myself up so I wouldn't be late for my appointment. Except that I feel like I could sleep for a few more hours, and a low-level general ache, I feel ok. We were MUCH faster today! Since yesterday's session was mainly getting me aligned in the right position, today was easier. We were about 30 minutes, instead of 80. So the pain is significantly lower today. The team is great, and we're joking around a lot. I've suggested that they have to provide breakfast, as tomorrow's session is at 7:45 am! That's so... brutal! I'll definitely be in bed early.

Jerry is spending every moment he can on my lap. He knows the road to the hospital and looks forward to his time at the park while I'm being treated. He's always excited when they arrive to collect me.. Then he smuggles against me in the car.

I was thinking about the colleague I met yesterday, and I'm a little sad. I would have preferred it if she'd been accompanying someone for treatment. I'd like to think that for every day of treatment I do, someone that I know and love is spared from dealing with this disease. It's hard enough to go through this treatment, but if I knew that my illness was protecting and sparing those I love, I'd happily submit to them.

Again, I'm off to bed early. I'm already falling asleep-radiation causes some strong fatigue reactions. Good night all!


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