
Such a lovely day!  It was cooler than it was all of last week, with a gentle breeze that was almost chilly!  That’s not a complaint, let’s be 100% clear, but it’s such a reprieve after the stifling, suffocating sauna that was last week!  Both of the boys are now curled up on the sofa, but it’s been the first day in a while that Don has been able to breathe comfortably, and me too!  Jerry is more active today, too, I suppose because he feels cooler.  That change in temperature is really amazing, as are the effects of a cooler day!  Don has been asking me to repeat what I say all the time, but can hear when I mutter, “you need to get your hearing checked.”  I’m wondering how much of the repetition is “man hearing” vs some loss?

I took Jerry out for a short walk this afternoon; we were out for maybe 15 minutes.  That was a lot for me; I was out of breath and in some pain by the time we got back inside.  He pulled and tugged a few times, which unbalanced me a little and caused the aching.  Jerry also walks faster than I’m comfortable with, so I was definitely gasping for air by the time we got to the elevator, and I needed to sit as soon as I got in!  I’ll try again and get back into the habit of taking him out myself.  It’s a challenge, but better than getting cabin fever from being in the house or at the hospital all the time.  I’m  sitting drinking some water and recuperating now; the pain has faded, my breathing is back to normal and I feel pleasantly tired.  I did try taking my sleeping meds last night… no luck.  I was awake for about 3 hours and dozed for another couple so I was tired this morning.

I’m not going to rant — I’m seriously tempted, though — but I would like to share a thought, please.  Is it possible for people to just enjoy life without lots of negative comments?  I am beyond tired of people who bash movies and shows without even watching them just because of the cast, or because a woman directed or it’s a topic that’s female, like menstruation.  I was on a site where people were melting down about the casting choice for a children’s show, in which they were calling for a boycott (in a region where the show wouldn’t be aired/streamed anyway)  What was the problem?  Well, a character who was described in the books as having thick, short, curly hair and being “as brown as a gypsy” was cast as a mixed-race actor.  Then a supposedly respected anchor whined about feminist themes in the new Barbie even before he’d seen it.  Why do these people seem to want to squash women, people of colour, other marginalized groups into tiny boxes and then get bent out of shape whenever we escape they start screaming and pushing us back down?  My other question is why are they given prominence? Just let people enjoy their lives, nah.  If you, an adult male, are so intimidated by women, I think you should go into therapy.

OK, I’m going to get something to nibble on.  The tiny monster is dozing quietly on Don’s lap, and he’s watching a sport.  Good night!


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