I was half joking with a friend today that I spend half of summer grumbling about the heat, and half of winter grumbling about the cold. She said, well, you’re consistent! And I asked, you mean I’m consistent at complaining? I was naughty enough to enjoy watching her trying to backpedal… It’s the dog days, although the dog doesn’t approve of this kind of weather where his little feet get overheated on the sidewalk — he’s also stubborn enough to refuse to wear boots of any kind! I’ll get one on, and he’ll have it off before I even get the second one on! He’s been evicted from my lap a few times today, because I was trying to read and he would jump up and push my book or iPad out of my hand, stretch out, stick his little arms up and just take up space. He’s adorable and such a sweetheart but he just radiates HOT! Don found an absolutely dreadful thriller that he insisted that I watch with him… except that he fell asleep about 30 minutes in, but would wake up if I tried turning it off. I’ll have to retaliate with either a musical or some sci-fi or something, because it was that bad!
Last night I had an unbroken night for the first time in a very long while! Usually I fall asleep and wake up every hour or 2 for a while and finally fall asleep when it’s almost time to get up! I know that I don’t have a fixed schedule and I could conceivably sleep until noon or 2pm but I try to maintain a regular routine. I fell asleep around 11 last night, and when I woke at 6am, I realized that I hadn’t woken at all, which was unusual in itself but I also felt more rested than I had for a while. I hope that I can replicate that tonight. My appetite is returning again, although my energy isn’t quite up to the task of cooking a full meal. That balancing act… I’ll have to work on finding a couple of easy meals that I can prepare easily and freeze. The annoying thing is that I have a wealth of recipes that I normally enjoy, but I’m not quite back to normal yet with my eating. I’ll work on it.
I have some logic puzzle games that I enjoy playing. I’d first discovered them when I was in my late teens — they were used in one of my computer science classes to help us develop logical thinking patterns. I went from wrestling with them to enjoying them, and I’d bought several booklets when I could find them; not always easy, as they are fairly specialized and I could find mixed puzzles of which maybe 5 were my preferred type… then I found some compilations many years ago, and would happily spend hours trying to solve them, until the happy day when I located an app for them! Because there’s an app for that… I work on a couple a day, and have a great time trying to beat the established time. The thing is, though, that once you select a correct response, the app immediately clears the rest of the row/column so you can’t accidentally fill in a square. I was working with the printed copy of one of the puzzles recently, and found that it’s a bit more challenging since I have to manually cross the empty spots and so on. Plus, I can get a hint online if I need one, which I can’t do on paper (well, I could look up the answer at the back of the book, but it’s less fun) and I think that I might be becoming intellectually lazy, having the algorithm deal with my errors. It’s not a setting that I can disable, either, so I thought I’d spend some time on paper puzzles to see if that would help… I confess that I prefer the e-version because it’s easier. I should feel bad, but I actually don’t. Isn’t it great that this is my biggest worry of the day?
It’s pouring rain, with rumbling thunder right now. Jerry just left my lap and moved over to Don where he’s settled into a weird pretzel shape and is insisting on being petted. I’m off in search of a snack before bedtime (meds all taken for the night) and then I think I’ll go enjoy the sound of rain on the window panes while it lasts! Good night!
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