
It started off as quite cool this morning; it apparently had thundered overnight, but I heard nothing.  It got hot and muggy later, but it’s currently raining heavily, which I rather enjoy.  Jerry was bouncing around and I’m trying to calm him down, as when he gets very excited after eating he throws up, and I don’t really want to be cleaning up after him tonight.  Don is happily watching sports, although “his” team doesn’t play until later, but that doesn’t seem to interfere with the habit of sports watching.  He’s not following the Women’s World Cup, but he intends to watch Canada play some of their games.  He argues that football is boring, and I point out that what he calls “football” doesn’t actually involve players using their feet… they seem to gather for a group hug, run around, hump each other, and pat each other on the butt and carry the ball in their hands.  In retaliation for mocking his game, he’s making me watch it tonight.

So this is bizarre.  Last night I ordered Chinese for dinner, and had a plateful.  It tasted pretty good, all except the chicken which was as dry as dust.  Today I cooked a sauce for the chicken in hopes of recovering it and made some rice and had it with the spicy eggplant— and it tasted like cardboard!  I don’t understand how that worked!  The chicken is irredeemably dry, the sauce was good, but the eggplant had no flavour this time!  How exactly does that work?  In any case, I managed to eat, but it’s unpleasant to eat when things have no taste, and far worse when I know that I could taste things last night and when they’re reheated today it’s awful!  Although we’ve often ordered from this restaurant, I think we’ll have to stop; the last couple of times they weren’t very good.

I received photos today of my elder niece, who’s headed off to her graduation party with her class.  She looks so grown up and elegant, and I’m speechless looking at her photos.  It’s good that they’re able to have this celebration; 2 years ago, when they finished Form V it was mid-pandemic and they could only do a virtual event.  Form VI grad is traditionally less meaningful — I mean, they don’t usually plan the same kind of event as at the end of Form V, but it’s just lovely to see them able to celebrate today.  I’d actually forgotten that grad was today, she had told me about it and I remember saying that it was unusually late — grad parties are generally in late June or early July, not at the end of the month.  They also managed a long weekend in Tobago, so I think that they will have a lovely collection of memories of the end of high school.  

I had some (short) conversations today with friends and cousins.  It was one of those odd days where suddenly there were all these connections!  That’s really fun, and I’m glad we were able to chat and learn what everyone’s been doing lately.  Also, many thanks for all the birthday wishes; Don was grinning like a little Buddha all day as I read them out to him.  Jerry has settled down in a small ball on the sofa, pretending to sleep, but I can see his eyes monitoring everything around him.  With that, Good night!


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