
It was slightly cooler this morning than all week, although that didn’t last too long.  It’s again hot and muggy and very summery weather.  It’s rather uncomfortable, but it’s manageable.  Jerry was very excited as my support worker was here, and he jumped up for his cuddles and then barked to complain when he and Don were sent to the other room while I got my shower and so on.  When we were done, and he got let out, he let out a series of barks to get attention, and was very excited to have her play with him.  We both told Don how much we like him without his beard, and he looks so much cuter now we can see his smile.  He blushed a little, which is a definite “aww” moment!  

I set the timer again so I’d eat something every 2 hours.  I managed 3 small meals, and a bowl of ice cream, and I’ll probably manage one more before bed tonight.  I weighed myself this morning, mostly in anticipation of my dietitian’s call this week, and found that I’ve lost another 5lbs in the last couple of weeks.  That surprised me, as I thought I’d increased my intake recently, but I realized that I’ve only been eating more for not quite a week, so that’s not enough to counteract a few months of no appetite.  I’ll continue working on my intake, and try to up my calories a bit more.  

As I mentioned, my support worker was over today; we really like her.  She was telling me that she had a new client today, “an old guy,” who’s 6 years younger than I am.  She saw my face when she mentioned his age, and said, “you’re not old; you don’t look as old as he does.”  I’m not certain that she’s being completely honest, or just pandering to the old lady LOL  It’s been a long running joke with another friend, who’s 4 years my junior, but I say that they look older than I do — more wrinkles and grey hair — and they call me an “old hag;” you can tell we’ve been teasing each other for a while.  But as to age, I don’t spend a lot of time feeling like I’m in my 50s and therefore should move aside for the younger people.  

I sometimes like to imagine what it would be like to talk with various people throughout history and get a better idea of their lives and experiences.  It’s entirely likely that we’d have difficulty communicating many concepts.  We have these ideas of what the past is like, but it’s possible that we’re very wrong, especially the further back we go.  This week, I read an article where archaeologists had found a burial site of an apparently very honoured warrior, and they’d made several statements about that person, only to find, years later, that it was the body of a woman, not a man.  This has led to a reassessment of what we believed about gender roles in that era and that society.  Another (older) story said that DNA analysis of early Britons showed that they had dark skin.  This led to a lot of upset as there were people who insisted that Britons had to be white.  I think that if we could, realistically, see/speak with our very early ancestors, we’d find that many of our ideas are incorrect, and have changed over time.  Why is this important?  Mostly because we tend to forget that we’re all human, and every human deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.  Am I overly optimistic about that?

It’s that time of evening for meds so I’ll head off to do that before the dog realizes that I’m here with an empty lap!  Good night


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