Small things

Another sunny summer day, where the heat has dropped slightly but it’s still quite warm.  I saw a number of people heading to Bluesfest, and many of them already looked like boiled lobsters, so what they’ll look like after, I have no idea!  I confess to hiding indoors to avoid the worst of it.  I really should push myself to do a bit more instead of retreating from the heat.  My (feeble) excuse is that it gets difficult to breathe and I’m not a fan of gasping for air and reminding myself to breathe!  Jerry objected to me being on the phone to the family and a couple friends, and would jump on my lap and try to nose the phone out of my hand.  When that didn’t work, he stretched across my lap and would hit my face with his paw.  Don dozed through the hot part of the day, and Jerry decided to leave him alone until he moved, and has since been there pretending to be a teddy bear.  It’s summer, so there’s a seemingly endless parade of sports — first baseball, then football — both of which drag on for hours.  

I slept quite well last night, only waking up a couple of times when Jerry decided that he wasn’t fully comfortable and plunked on me.  I found it a little challenging to get out of bed this morning; I was comfy, the bed was the right level of firmness, and that was just great.  I did make myself get up about 15 minutes after my usual time, as I’m trying to maintain a reasonable routine.  Happy to report a continued appetite, and that I can taste the food.  I’m planning, as I mentioned, to ask my support worker to help me make a couple of items tomorrow so I can have meals for a day or two.  I’ll go weigh myself soon just to be sure that I haven’t lost more — I’m not obsessing over it, just checking.

Anyone else have a habit of looking up the actors in a movie because you’re pretty sure you know who that is, but you just can’t remember where you saw them before?  So you pull out your phone, do a quick search, go, “Ahh!  That’s who that is,” and then rewind the movie because you missed several points?  No?  Just me?  I used to, in the days before instant answers to everything, go through a show trying to remember where I’d seen that actor, and not knowing, or else having a flash of insight at a really inconvenient point in the show!  Like in Lord of the Rings when Elrond came on screen, and 3 of us in the theatre were trying to remember where we’d seen him before until someone hissed, “Mis-s-ter Anderson” and we all had a Matrix moment!  (Incidentally, I watched the first movie, was hooked, disliked the second and never watched the third, because I was of the view that it had been overplayed and I really couldn’t care about Neo any longer.). Then in The Two Towers I had a couple of moments of recognition — primarily the rebooted Dr. McCoy — before I could settle down and enjoy the movie.  I watched it again a few years later and had to struggle, since the “new timeline” Star Trek movies weren’t extended (and I never bought the DVD/Blu-Ray copies) so I had to go look up the characters to remember who it was.  I’m not a celebrity follower, and honestly don’t recognize most of them without subtitles/name tags.  My niece rolls her eyes at me when I ask questions like, “What’s a BTS?”

Speaking of my niece, she’s now done high school, is getting ready to get her driver’s license and is looking (admittedly a bit late) for a holiday job.  We were talking today, and going over how to write her resume.  Apparently, YouTube and Instagram have some recommendations for that, and they suggest writing that you have “a passion” for whatever it is you’re applying for.  Her application to Starbucks, for example, says that she “has a great passion for coffee,” and I asked what does that mean?  She says that she’s a coffee drinker, and it’s a real thing.  I’m not arguing, just gave her a sceptical look and asked how she’d demonstrate that?  She changed the subject 😁  I am happy that I’m not a teenager now; it’s a very difficult age made more challenging by society and the constant bombardment by social media which (IMO) is more challenging than the peer pressure of the 1980s!

It seems that I’ve neglected the puppy for too long this evening, so I have to go pay attention to him and throw his toy for him to chase.  Good night!


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