
Ahh… much cooler today than it was this week!  We started off at 17C, and it’s now about 24C, which is a major improvement over yesterday!  It rained off and on for a while today, which is also helpful.  Apparently last night there was a rain delay in the game, although I think that was more because of lightning than otherwise, and there were reports of power outages in a few areas due to storm damage.  We’re unaffected, thankfully.  Jerry spent most of the day on my lap, which meant that I couldn’t do several of the things I was planning on, because he was too comfortable lying there waving his paw in the air!  Don spoils the dog, badly! 😉  He’s right now being cuddled like a teddy bear by Don, but is watching me closely.  Don, of course, is glued to sports this afternoon, and is on his second game of the day.  I watched Key Largo (well, part of it, anyway) on the classic movie channel, and I was rather surprised at it.  I’d always thought it was a romance, but I was very mistaken by that!  

Another broken night last night; I think tonight I’ll give in and use one of my sleep pills.  I’d stopped because I’d found that the combination of that and my chemo made me feel groggy and hungover the next day, and I don’t like that.  But I also don’t like being awake for half the night and only sleeping for about an hour.  So, I’ll try that tonight and hopefully it will help a bit.  Trying for at least 4 hours uninterrupted rest!  My appetite is restored today as the heat has gone, so that’s great.  I’m learning not to worry too much about these fluctuations, unless they last too long or have no apparent cause.  Heat, though, is more problematic than I remember!  As a delicate, tropical flower (stop laughing!!!) I should be better able to cope, but… nope!  My cousins are comforting me as they’ve said they can’t cope with the high heat either.

I saw a posting today which made me laugh out loud.  It said, in summary, that schnoodles have strong personalities, and that when one decides that you’re “their” person, then you will never be alone again.  You’ll have company to sleep, go to the bathroom, get a sandwich, sit in a chair… but never a bath.  😁  They love to communicate, and can be very vocal; they may also not “talk” much, but will let you know that they want something specific, and nothing else will do.  I laughed because that’s my lived experience with the tiny dictator.  I’ve been teased that he lets me sleep in his bed, sit in his chair and that he thinks he’s the boss.  He rides in the car — try leaving him behind! — and makes himself comfortable on my tummy when he sleeps.  It was encouraging to know that I’m not the only schnoodle parent who has this little guy with a strong sense of self and tons of self-assurance!  Someone commented to me that it seems that Jerry is more important to me than Don because I talk about him so often.  It’s not that — as any pet parent knows — it’s that he’s such a dominant character that he takes up a lot of mental space.  And he doesn’t abandon me for sports for 9 months a year 😝  Don knows he’s important, plus he doesn’t like being the focus of social media attention so I respect that, and talk about Jerry, who thrives on attention!

I’m stopping here to get something to eat and then I’ll lose my lap to the little monster who is surveilling me with the intensity usually reserved for food!  Enjoy your weekend!  Good night!


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