I promised yesterday not to moan about the heat, so I’ll just say that at least the air quality is considered “safe” which is an improvement over last month and the smoke. We were promised thunderstorms today, but it was instead very sunny, humid and challenging to breathe. Oof! The humidity is seriously pronounced again; I found, though, that trying to sleep with air conditioning causes me to cough badly, so that’s not comfortable at all! Jerry was conflicted with the air conditioner; he liked the breeze and the cool, but doesn’t like the noise, so he was glaring at it while trying to get his face cooled LOL It was hilarious to watch, although he settled down once I’d turned it off and instead used the fan. He just settled on my tummy to get as much breeze as he could get. I tried explaining to him that he’s too hot to lie on me, and he just wagged his little stump and rearranged himself. He likes to lie with his back against Don, or he crawls under his neck to cuddle. Don keeps trying to push him away from his face so he doesn’t sneeze, but Jerry is surprisingly persistent! He was feeling more energetic today for a bit, although he conserved his energy as it’s one of those things that can get sucked up quickly.
I ordered a shawarma today; for some reason I was craving garlic sauce and hummus. The mountain of food that arrived will definitely provide me with meals for most of the weekend! I mentioned that my cousin has been tempting me with meal ideas, and I’m planning to ask my support worker to help me prepare a couple of items on the weekend so I’ll have that for Monday. I’m still somewhat annoyed that I can’t have pepper, as it’s caused burning in my tummy; we do not approve of this at all!
My dear readers, I have another request for you. My lovely and talented cousin Debbie has written a book which launches tomorrow (July 8) I’m asking that you head over to Amazon and download it tomorrow (Amazon will be counting downloads on launch day) and she’d like it to be successful, obviously. It’s called Image from the Inside… Out and it focusses on self-worth and self-acceptance. I’m very excited for it, and so immensely proud of her. So if you can, please go download it and give it a rating. Debbie has been an image consultant, executive life coach and corporate facilitator (among others) for many years, and is just a wonderful, loving, generous person — and I don’t just say that because she’s one of my closest cousins, I can see it in her manner and her interactions with her family and her clients who all seem to love her dearly.
I’m going to find something to eat; I don’t think that I’ll get tired of feeling hungry for a bit as it’s been a while that I just didn’t want anything to eat. This should also make my dietitian happy, and perhaps she’ll stop recommending kale smoothies (🤢) So I’ll leave you here for the moment. Good night!
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