
Enjoying this cooler weather, even with the high humidity.  Still hard to breathe in some cases, but it’s nice not to be melting!  Jerry seems to be enjoying the weather; he’s got a lot more energy and is bouncing around happily rolling on his blanket (technically Don’s, since Jerry’s is on the floor next to my chair) and catching attacks of “zoomies” around the house!  It’s hilarious to watch.  The boys are happily teasing each other with Don winding up Jerry, and Jerry trying to nip Don!  I’m trying not to make eye contacts, as I’ll become the next target if I look over there!

My appetite is decent today; I will need to cook soon because everything is almost finished 😆 I’m also not feeling any after effects from yesterday being out with Jerry.  I’ll try to get him out fairly regularly so I get back a level of comfort being out with him (and hopefully I can keep up with him when we’re out walking!)  

Auntie is apparently supposed to be crocheting full time!  My niece has requested a “pink or white, I like pink” dress made by Auntie, who has never made a crocheted garment ever in her life.  So you know what happens now, right?  Yes.  I’ve been hunting for dress patterns and pink wool so that I can get started on the dress!  Of course, pink happens to be one of the few colours I don’t have in my stash, so that means having to buy some!  It’s hard to find a decent pink — I might be making my life more difficult by looking for a variegated or ombré wool as they’re hard to find in that shade!!  But they’re so much prettier than just a single colour, and the results are always delightful.  It’s easier than changing colours individually, so it’s a bit of a cheat for a prettier result.  Plus, finding a dress for a child, not a baby nor an adult, is another difficulty.  Baby and toddler dresses I can find by the hundreds!!  But for a 5 year old?  Nope.  Well, I found one, but it’s a paid pattern, and I’m unwilling to spend $20 for a pattern, especially since the wool is likely to be close to $100.  In total, that is a little excessive for a child’s dress.  I know that I could probably cheat and find something on a Chinese website that will cost less, but I’m not going to lie to her like that.  Therefore you know what I’m doing for the next few days — getting lost down assorted rabbit holes of wool and patterns!  Before you suggest Amazon — their prices for wool are often higher than some of the expensive hobby shops, and the selection is not great.  Walmart, my usual go to, doesn’t have much selection in the weight of yarn that I need (the thickness matters) and they’re really low on pinks, never mind the multicoloured skeins.  And the specialty stores seem to think that we’ve got access to Jeff Bezos’ and Elon Musk’s combined fortunes!  $40 for 100m?  I need at least 1500m to make anything of a size larger than a dishcloth.  

Anyway, that will all keep me occupied for a while as I try to find economical solutions to my recently received instructions!  Naturally I’ll have to find another project for my car-crazy nephew, because gifts must be equitably distributed and if she gets something, she will ask what does he get, and then I’ll have to ensure that he also has something handmade.  Any suggestions would be welcome — the boy carries a car or a truck or a bus everywhere he goes, and isn’t really one for stuffed toys, so I will have more work to do on that end!  Meanwhile, I’ve mistakenly looked up and now I’m being pestered to throw a stuffed animal for a little dictator.  Have a good evening!


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