
Ah, summer time, and the days are muggy.  We’re currently having a downpour and a thunderstorm which is making things more comfortable.  I know that I’m in the minority, but I do tend to prefer when we’ve got rain as it helps keep things a little cooler.  I know others are less keen on the rain, especially my friends who deal with arthritis, migraines and other conditions that are affected by the weather.  For myself, it’s harder to breathe when it’s very humid and muggy, but the rain makes it better.  It would be nicer if we could all have ideal weather and not have problems.  Jerry was a little agitated today with the monthly fire alarm testing; the alarm upsets him, and he tends to sing along when they go off, while he sits on my or Don’s lap until they stop.  Don’s up to no good… at least, from what I can tell.  He’s been locked out of the Amazon account for a few days now, and I’ve been getting all the alerts that someone is trying to access it.  I don’t understand that, as we’re on the same home network and in the same house, but for some reason Amazon sees his system as an intruder.  I keep approving him, and they keep refusing him… do they know something I should?

My chicken yesterday met my cravings.  It’s not perfect, but it was decent.  As I said, I can’t copy my aunt’s cooking, and I’m also thinking that my tastebuds aren’t quite functioning properly yet, so I’m gradually adding things.  I’ll do some more cooking this week; I’d like, I think, to make cake or cookies or scones or something.  I have to admit that I’m probably more inclined to eat something like that than a plate of savoury items.  Otherwise, I feel more like myself, and the only side effect that’s hanging around like an unwelcome guest is that my hair is thinning and it’s growing in white!!  I now look like one of those old ladies who dye their hair black but the roots are all snowy!  The hair on the rest of my body, except thankfully my eyebrows and eyelashes, is also thinning!

On the subject of cooking, though, there’s a tragedy in progress.  OK, that’s a bit of an exaggeration but I’m in a mood.  My favourite little skillet is starting to lose its non-stick coating!  It’s advertised as having a “bonding technology” that means that the nonstick is supposedly permanent.  I went to check, and the warranty is a 5-year limited, and I’ve had this set for 5 years and 1 month!!  I use this skillet almost daily, because it’s an ideal size for making my eggs or a single serving of whatever, so with the lining starting to peel, I can’t really use it any longer.  I’m tempted to call the company and cry about the loss of my pan… but I went to their website, and looked for single pans so I could replace it.  They’ve got a sale on sets — up to 40% off — but my little skillet is US$40 plus US$30 “surcharge for shipping to Canada” and US$15 for shipping!  US$85 for a little 25cm skillet?  I think not!  I definitely don’t need a new set of pots, so I’m not shelling out for that.  I’ll have to dispose of this little pot, leading me to tell myself not to get attached to little pans and I’ll go shop for a replacement.  <sigh>  My other favourite little Trini pot has lost its lid, as the handle has broken off and can’t be screwed back, nor can it be glued, so I have no cover for it; it’s a cast aluminum pot that’s the ideal size/shape for frying bake, accra and so on, or for making pumpkin.  

I’m sad about the little pots that I use so often.  I do have others that I use, and a couple that I absolutely love, but they’re a wee bit too heavy for daily usage but they’re beyond perfect for cooking that needs to be “low and slow” but isn’t for a slow-cooker.  Those would be my Le Creuset pots which are fantastic for stews, curries, etc.  I’m getting hungry now, so I think it’s about time to go find something to eat before the tiny dictator realizes that I’m moving!  He’s right now napping on Don’s legs as they watch sporting of some sort…. The thunder is still rumbling out there, and the rain continues, accompanied by a cooling breeze.  Good night!


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