
I feel like the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz…a feeling I’ve had too often this summer!  You know the scene where she shouts, “I’m melting… melting!”  That is I.  Our humidity level crossed 40C today, and it was like breathing in a sauna!  Then we had our weekly tornado warning — 3 alerts in the space of just over an hour — and a small one touched down about a kilometre from here.  Minimal damage, as it was mostly over the river, but still!  Jerry is exhausted from the heat, and spent as much time as he could on my lap, lying on his back, sucking up breeze and waving an imperious paw to have his tummy rubbed NOW!  Every time I moved my hand, up came the paw, followed by a little schnauzer side-eye!  Don was limply spread on the sofa most of the day because of the heat.  After the second thunderstorm it’s cooled down quite a bit so it’s now almost comfortable, and I’m enjoying a moment on my balcony.

I didn’t want to eat much today; it’s too hot.  I did manage to drink quite a lot, and now that it’s cooled off I’ll go in search of a light meal — I’ve got 45 minutes before I can eat (I took my meds a little earlier so I can go to bed earlier) so I’ll fill in some time now.  My sleep was interrupted last night, it seems mostly because my mouth was dry.  I went in around 8:30, fell asleep about an hour later, woke up at 11, fell asleep, woke up at midnight, remembered that I’d forgotten to turn on the dishwasher so I did that, went back to sleep, and I woke up again about 4 more times before 6am (I can only see the time if I turn on the light, and after the dishwasher, I left the light off.)  I really didn’t sleep all that well, obviously.  I’m tempted to use one of my meds to help with sleep tonight, but I haven’t decided yet.

Happy birthday to my sister Heidi today!  We chatted for a while this afternoon, and from all accounts she’s enjoying her day, including lunch with my niece and plans for dinner tonight.  I’m glad; she doesn’t often get much time off to herself, as she works nights looking after an elderly lady, and days with my dad and niece.  She took her birthday off, and seems to be spending it spoiling herself, so good for her.  My dad completely forgot that her birthday was today, and looked very distressed when I spoke with him this afternoon.  All our lives, the only way he’d ever remember a birthday was to be reminded repeatedly, so that’s not unusual.  His birthday is on Tuesday next, which he always forgets, so we’ll remind him on the weekend and hopefully his card will make it — I mailed it over a month ago! But TTPost seems to take the term “snail mail” to a distressingly literal level!  As my friend J has pointed out, I’m one of the few people who still sends actual paper cards and mail!  She’s got a collection of all the cards I’ve sent her throughout our lives — we’ve been friends since we were about 10!

OK, I’m going to dive into the web and get lost in some silly videos and funny posts until it’s mealtime.  The dog is lying on my feet, slowly cooking my toes, but I won’t disturb him, as he’ll jump on my lap and boil the rest of me.  Good night!


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