
The heat and smog are back, along with wildfire smoke, so outdoors is not somewhere to be today.  We’ve been hiding out and avoiding the heat and humidity, which are really stifling!  Jerry has been a bit sluggish during the day, and spent a lot of time dozing and arranging himself to maximize getting breeze from the fan, which he rather enjoys.  Every so often he comes over, jumps on my lap, rolls on his back in front of the fan, and sticks his paws up in the air so I can rub his tummy.  Don was woken up around 4 this morning by a text from one of his friends to say that another friend had a fall and was being taken to the hospital, and he stayed awake to find out what happened.  I sleep with earplugs, so I knew nothing until I got up this morning, and he’s been catching up on his sleep during today.

I apologize for my silence on the last few days.  I had a dreadful tummy issue, which left me weak, shaken, unable to eat, and needing to sleep for hours on end.  I honestly don’t know what caused it, but it started at 3am on Saturday, was ongoing until almost 5, when I finally was able to fall asleep briefly, then resumed during the day and continued to Sunday afternoon.  I finally, I think, am over it, and I probably don’t need as much sleep as I did on the weekend, although my appetite (always fragile) isn’t quite restored.  I am regaining some energy today, although slowly.  It’s super frustrating when my body does this to me, especially as I can do nothing to avoid it — I don’t know the cause, so no way to avoid!  Fingers crossed that things are back to normal and I’ll be eating properly by tomorrow.

It’s Don’s birthday this week; he’s not as interested as I am in celebrating, but I’ve planned a couple things for him and ordered some treats that he should enjoy.  It’s less fun for me, since he doesn’t like surprises (and I just love them) so I have to check with him before I arrange anything.  My sister will tell you that one year for Christmas, I’d planned certain gifts for him, only for him to go buy the EXACT thing— but an upgrade! — so I had to return his gifts.  Not fun!  And not easy either, since where do you find replacement gifts on December 23 that will arrive by the 25?  (I was out of town, so I couldn’t just run to the store!)  I told him after that that he’s not to buy himself any gifts until the day after the gift giving occasion, so he’d know what to get.  He grudgingly agreed, mostly, I think, because of Boxing Day sales LOL  Birthdays are lots more challenging, since he doesn’t say that he wants anything special, he’ll quietly order whatever he wants, and I’m left scrambling around.  At least I know what he likes to eat (mostly) and I can generally work with that.  So unless he comes up with something in the next day, that’s what will happen!

I’m off to take my meds, and I’ll have a snack in about an hour so I don’t go to bed hungry (which interferes with my sleep!) I’m beginning to feel pangs of hunger (Yay!  I had none all weekend) but if I hold off, I can eat in an hour, instead of eating now and waiting for 3 before I can have anything else.  Jerry has his toy in his mouth and is watching me to see what I’m doing, so he doesn’t miss the bedtime signal LOL  silly puppy.  Good night!


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