Birthday boys

It was overcast for most of the day today, without any rain, though it felt humid throughout.  One of those types of days where you think of taking an umbrella if you’re going out, but you feel remarkably silly for carrying one.  Apparently there’s a rumour of upcoming storms, and my sister sent a text showing that there’s a tornado warning in their area, which is different this summer, as we’ve had a couple of tornadoes already and they’ve been spared.  Jerry was a remarkably good boy last night, and settled down to sleep almost as soon as he jumped into bed, and he didn’t move until I got out of bed this morning.  He’s been splitting his time fairly evenly between us today, except that he was vocally upset when I had to answer the door when the pharmacy made a delivery, then when our meal arrived and when my friend dropped off the ice cream cake that I’d ordered.  He was extremely annoyed that people were coming to his door, and worse, that there were more calls and texts than usual to Don.  Don had a late morning nap, and spent the afternoon mainly watching sports games… but there were no complaints, since he gets to fully control the remote today.  I pointed out that this only lasts until midnight, but I’ve just got a laugh in reply 😁

I was able to eat a decent sized serving of our order, which is super comforting.  I’m happy about having an appetite, and actually getting food in!  I didn’t sleep well last night; it was one of those where I was in a half-awake state for most of the night.  Having just had a slice of birthday ice cream cake, I’ll probably be awake for a while tonight too… no big deal, as I have no pressing appointments in the morning.

I think Don enjoyed his day; we had a Chinese meal, most of which he enjoyed (I snuck in some extra vegetables for me, and some extra egg rolls and stuff for him) and his preferred ice cream cake.  I had a small piece, and may be able to have a couple more pieces before it’s all gone.  Unlike me, he’ll only do candles under duress, and he’ll just take the knife and poke it in the side of the cake and leave it for me to cut and serve.  He says that he doesn’t like celebrating getting old, so I’ve adjusted to just trying to find things he enjoys and letting him do what he wants.  It’s also one of the few days when I don’t make disapproving noises about him eating a lot of fried, fatty foods, or anything that’s likely to aggravate his gout.  As I’ve explained to one of my friends, I rather like him, so I try my best to make sure that he’s around longer.  If that means limiting his access to some foods that are not in his best interests, then I’ll do that, but not on his birthday.

It’s a pleasant, although muggy evening, and the sun is slipping down towards the horizon.  I can’t see that from here; I face east, but I see the sky changing colour, and the light starting to take on that lovely getting towards twilight look.  Twilight is not something we have in the Caribbean.  The sun sets, and within moments, it’s dark and the stars start to pop out.  None of this still bright but not quite, half light that’s characteristic of twilight.  It’s something that I actually miss when I’m in the Caribbean, although I have to admit that even after almost a quarter century in Canada, having sunlight after 6:30pm still feels unusual!

OK, the birthday boy is watching sports, the puppy is looking for his toy, and I want to wish a happy birthday to my friends Neil and Paul and my #2 son (godson) Daryn, who are all celebrating today.  They range in age from 29 (I can’t believe that that tiny, feisty boy is such a handsome, accomplished, caring young man) to older than I am — which is all I’ll say!  No outing ages after 30!  To all of you, may this year bring you many wonderful things (that includes Don)  It’s also the 54th anniversary of the Moon landing!  Apparently July 20 is crowded with awesomeness.  Good night!


  1. Happy Birthday to your best guy God bless and keep him in good health and enjoying every day a blessing amen


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