
Another summer’s day, complete with all the heat and humidity that it can amass!  The rain last night was lovely; the air felt so cool and fresh after!  But then this morning, it was like breathing in a plastic bag… just suffocating!  It’s tiring when it does that, and I then don’t have a lot of motivation to do stuff.  My “things to do” list is just growing at a distressing rate!  Jerry wanted to play last night long after we went to bed, and tried to bury himself under me to sleep.  That’s quite uncomfortable, so I kept moving him, and he just came crawling back… finally he climbed onto my tummy, flipped on his back, and moved my hand to his tummy.  He was finally happy, I wasn’t, but the sleeping dog wins any argument about placement!  Don was having a busy day repairing his printer, and then shamefacedly confessed that he’d been trying to put the colour cartridge in the slot for the black ink… it took a while before it clicked that he was doing something silly.  He’s blaming it on aging, because he didn’t do that when he was young — yesterday.  I asked what happens tomorrow, and he says then he’ll be younger today LOL

I’m feeling more like myself after last weekend’s incident and some good sleep.  Those are all wonderful things, they are!  I now just need some motivation to cook a few meals, but I’m not quite there yet.  My ambition, as usual, outstrips my energy.  I’ve sat myself down today and explained that just because I can’t prepare a feast for 30 people doesn’t mean that I’m inadequate or that there’s anything wrong with me.  I could do something fairly simple that provides 2 servings, and then make something else.  Part of the challenge is finding something that particularly appeals, is not too time consuming and doesn’t require large amounts of preparation.  I’ll give myself another talking to and then manage to do something easy.

I’m sorry, but I need to rant.  I dislike it intensely when people cause my temper to flame hot, and there are certain topics — as P will tell you — that are triggers for me.  Today was a post that blamed the housing shortage on immigrants, because we apparently have been “stealing” all the homes so “real Canadians” can’t find affordable places.  It was, as you can imagine, from one of those hate-filled, xenophobic right-wing (why is it always the right wing that spreads this type of hatred?) “news” outlets.  I blew up as soon as I read it, and I was more incensed since the person who posted it is themself a member of a marginalized group which has been the subject of a lot of hate and abuse.  Pitting groups of people against each other is a truly disgusting practice, and I honestly do not understand how anyone can participate in racist or xenophobic attacks, even less if they’re a member of a minority community.  I’m especially touchy when there are attacks on immigrants, as I’m one, and it’s unbelievably stupid to hear the lies that are spread by these right-wingers.  Like immigrants get “free” money from the government every month; we get “free” housing, and so on.  I’m not going to explain or justify my life here, nor am I about to educate people on basic civics.  (Interestingly, an article for Canada Day pointed out that over 80% of native-born Canadians would fail the test we do for citizenship; I don’t doubt that, as I’ve heard people who were born and raised here unable to name the Great Lakes, among other facts.)  I am, though, not at all sympathetic towards those who argue that immigrants “steal” their jobs/homes, etc.  You, who were born, raised and educated here, have the networks and supports you need to form a life.  We, who arrived as adults, have to build them.  If we obtain higher education, and therefore qualify for jobs, it’s not “theft” — we can’t force an employer to hire us.  Often, there are those who would exploit immigrants by underpaying and violating employment laws.  The one at fault is the employer, not the person trying to feed their family.  To get housing, immigrants face discrimination, abuse, often are charged higher rents… then when we save and buy our homes, we’re accused of “stealing” from “real Canadians.”   Just how stupid is that?

There are a number of practices and policies that need to be changed, plus some enforcement of laws, that’s true enough.  We’re not a monolithic group, but seriously, the demonization of the “other” really needs to stop.  I’d love it if there were protections against this hate speech which is designed solely to attack other groups by misquoting statements and generally formulating lies.  To my other immigrants, we’re not a disease, nor a problem, nor are we the source of all crime and evil.  (A report showed that less than 1% of criminal activity was tied to immigrants, which, by basic arithmetic, leaves 99% to be committed by native born persons)  The sad thing is that so many support these ideas, and want to blame other people for their own failings.  That’s always led to bad outcomes, and the insularity that they propose is dreadful.  Remember the quotes, “No man is an island, no man stands alone,” and “I am a part of mankind… send not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”  And to those who want to attack immigrants, I’m not ashamed of succeeding in a strange country, of owning my own home, of having done what I could to contribute to society (and paid my taxes.)  I’m here, and like Caesar, I stay.

We’re all human, with equal rights that deserve protection.  We’re not, despite several prevalent lines of rhetoric, separate individuals who can act with impunity.  Again, sorry for my rant, but it does inflame me when people start to divide and scrabble over scraps, attacking each other instead of pulling together to improve lives.  Apparently, it’s now time to end philosophical discussion and focus on the vital issues of playing with small dogs.  Good night!


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